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Turkey, Iran, USA and the Iraq Crisis of 2003 year

In article are analyzed the specificity of relations between Turkey, Iran and the USA on the eve, during Iraq war and after. Thus the author gives the big attention to consideration of turkish and Iranian tools of crisis reaction to address of this conflict, and also touches a kurdish question which aggravation was direct investigation of the american intervention.

The Thracians as the subjects of the Achaemenids according to Per-sian sources

In this work to the study of Thraco-Persian relations at the turn of the VI-–V centuries BC involved originating from Persepolis household archives of time of Darius I. The article analyzes the Persian ethnic name Skudra and the possibility of its application to peoples European Thrace, part of which was conquered by Darius during the Scythian campaign. Then provides specific information about the Thracian workers contained in the Persepolis fortification archive, and analyzes the legal status of them in the Royal household.

The Narrative Sources of Philostorgius’ “Church History” (Hist. eccl. I) in Photius’ Abridgment

This article is devoted to the problem of the narrative sources used in Philostorgius’ “Church History”. The Greek historian of the Fifth Century had cited not only the texts of the Holy Scriptures and works of church historians, but also writings of panegyrists and pagan authors of the Late Antiquity.

Medieval Icelandic Commonwealth in the modern libertarian discourse

The current article is an attempt of analysis of the image of medieval Icelandic society in the modern libertarian literature. The main aim is to emphasize the main positions of libertarian political philosophy on the subject of Icelandic commonwealth and observe the methodology of libertarian authors, as well as find out what place Medieval Iceland takes in libertarian discourse.

Citizen and Florentine commune: two polar positions in historiography in the first of a half of the xv century

In this article explored two trends of historiography Florence in the first of a half of the XV century: apologetic chronicles on example of the "History of Florence" Gregorio Dati and critical direction in the historical works of Giovanni Cavalcanti. In work shows relation features of narrative of chronicles with the author's experiences of their social status and personal identity.

Francisk Skorina in Prague (1517-1519)

The article deals with the period of the Prague publication activities Belarusian enlightener Francisk Skorina. The author reveals the reasons for his stay in Prague, the location of its printing house, quantity editions in Cyrillic font printed Belarusian enlightener.

Climatic anomalies in England second half XVII centuries

Article is devoted consideration of influence of adverse weather conditions on the various parties of ability to live of people in England second half XVII centuries. On a material of diary records of contemporaries display of "the Small glacial age» in late Stewarts, influence of climatic anomalies on a life, an economic activities, health of Englishmen is traced.

The beginning of the Anglo-Russian Diplomatic Confrontation within the Frame of the «Eastern Question» («The Ochakov Crisis» of 1791)

The article describes the peculiarities of the Anglo-Russian diplomatic controversy at the first stage of the «Eastern Quiestion». Much attention is paid to the British intervention in the course of the Russo-Turkish conflict of 1787–1791 in order to seize the control over peace negotiations.

The International cooperation in the sphere of culture within the framework of Shanghai Cooperation Organization

The main stages of formation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are identified and dealt with. The role of world powers in the region is defined. The interaction of the SCO member states in cultural and humanitarian spheres is considered. Forms of cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan and China in the field of culture are reflected. 

The Personal Diplomacy factor in American-Russian relationships during 2001–2008: George W. Bush Vs V. V Putin

The article enlightens the most important summits between George W. Bush and V. V. Putin during 2001-2008 years. The effectiveness grade of the personal diplomacy tactics, used by the American President as a means of American-Russian relationships’ regulation, is given based on the analysis results and expert opinions

Tourism as an instrument of public diplomacy

This article is devoted to issues of diplomatic development. The author marks the increasing role and value of public diplomacy in solution of global problems. Tourism takes up the special position among the main instruments of public diplomacy. It humanizes international relations and consolidates the image of the state. 

Complex of Ceramic Stamps from a Well under Oven 9 of Chersonesos’ Potteries

The article examines the complex of 35 ceramic stamps found in the well under the pottery kiln. Previously it was assumed that the filling of the well and the beginning of the ceramic industry in Chersonesos are synchronous. However, the author came to the conclusion that these squeezes have no relation to the workshop, and the well was filled either at the end of the 60s, or in early 50s of the 4th century BC, i.e. long before the appearance on this place of Chersonesos’ "Ceramics".

Two Versions of the Tale about Cyrus' the Great Childhood (Herod., I.107–122; Xen. Cyr., I.3–I.4.3)

The article is devoted to two versions of the tale about Cyrus' the Great childhood. The author compares Herodotus' and Xenophon's versions of the tale. The main event of Herodotus' version is a game, basilinda which has a sacral sense. Xenophon's version has six main events and the third event namely the conversation between Cyrus and his mother Mandane is a culmination of the tale. It is necessary to note the epics' influence on Xenophon's version, which becomes apparent in the attitude to the problem of truth and time in the tale.

Two Stages of Mining in Medieval Czech: the Jihlava and the Kutna Hora

The mining of medieval Bohemia is an important page in the history of this country. Mining has generated a new proceedings in the economy, social relations, had a significant impact on the political development, the development of culture and art.

The Struggle of the «Old» and «New» Patricians in London in the Last Quarter of the 14th Century

The article is devoted to the struggle of the «old» and «new» patricians in London at the end of the 14thcentury. At that time the guild masters, led by the traders of textile goods, opposed the oligarchic merchant regime ofvictualing guilds. In 1381‑1383 the democratic opposition gained the upper hand, and their leader –a draper John Northampton ‑ became mayor of the capital. He organized socio-economic and political reforms in the interests of wide layers of the population.

The Baron and the Thieves: Lord Thomas Dacre and the Inhabitants of Tynedale and Riddesdale (1511–1525)

This paper is dedicated to the Anglo-Scottish border in the 1st quarter of the 16th century. Based on the materials of the politics of the baron Dacre, the General Warden of the Marches, the author demonstrates peculiarities of the relations between the Crown, the nobility and local gentry.

Spanish Women’s Manual of the 16th Century

The article deals with the Women’s Manual published in the 16th century in Spain. The Manual contains 145 recipes. The author of the article thinks that this receptary was intended for rich Spanish women and helped them to become proficient in the basics of cosmetology and medicine.

Italian Impressions of H. Walpole

The article is devoted to the analysis of events concerning the Italian Tour undertaken by H. Walpole in 1739-1741. Young English aristocrats set off for a Grand Tour to the continent to complete their education. Horace Walpole was a representative of the mid-18th century English culture. He was active in many fields, but the article focuses on the impact of the everyday Italian culture on the views of young Walpole

Early Reviews of Travel Literature on the Pages of the Edinburgh Review: Images of the East

The author of this article studies the images of the East in the reviews of the travel literature in the first edition of the British periodical the Edinburgh Review, which was published in 1802. Particular attention is paid to the image of Turkey in the review of the work by G. A. Olivier “Travel in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Persia, undertaken by order of the Government of France, during the first six years of the Republic” (1801).

Dual Dimension of the French Diplomacy Concerning Algeria at the Close of the 20th Century

The present article considers French-Algerian relations during the political crisis and armed conflict in Algeria in the 1990s. The author analyses the main tendencies of interrelations between France and Algeria through duality of the French diplomacy in political and economic fields and also through the balance between bilateral and international approaches of the French foreign policy to Algeria.
