Mnogoletnaya Elena Nikolayevna RussiaSaratovSaratov State University, 83 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov 410012, Russiaa senior lecturer of the Medieval History chairHistory Author's articles THE WORKS OF EUROPEAN HUMANISTS IN THE REPERTORYOF THE CZECH BOOK PRINTING IN ITS EARLY PERIOD (1468–1620) Francisk Skorina in Prague (1517-1519) The Formation of a New Type Book Publisher in Bohemian Book Printing of the XVI Century ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ЧЕШСКОГО ТИПОГРАФА ДАНИЭЛЯ АДАМА ВЕЛЕСЛАВИНА Медицина в репертуаре раннего чешского книгопечатания (1468–1620-е годы) Лексикографические труды чешского типографа XVI века Даниэля Адама Велеславина Contribution of the Czech Typographer of the 16th Century Daniel Adam Veleslavin to the Dissemination of Historical Knowledge in the Czech Republic Publishing Activities of the 16th Century Czech Book Printer Bartholomew Netolicky of Netolic Religious and moralistic works in the repertoire of the printing house of Daniel Adam Veleslavin