World History

Francoist Spain in the context of the Second World War: Deeds and intentions

The article is devoted to two peripheral problems of international relations on the eve and during the Second World War. At this time Spain was trying to solve its territorial problems in North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. The author’s attention is focused on the activities of the caudillo F. Franco in solving these problems. Franco managed to strengthen the influence of Spain in Tangier, but was unable to return Gibraltar to his country.

Military leaders’ images of the second half of the XIXth century in the works of A. Forbes: Some aspects of the British military journalism formation

The article is devoted to one of the aspects of interaction between the press and society. The author examines the personified approach used bythe British war correspondent A. Forbesto display thetheme of war –the creation of a psychophysical and professional portrait ofmilitary leaders of the second half of the 19th century. It is shown that A. Forbes singles out F. Karl and M. Skobelev as examples of combining special service qualities with romantic features of a heroic image. It is concluded that A.

The Age of Enlightenment and the transformation of freemasonry in England

The article studies the topical question of the masonry movement in England’s of the 18th century. It particularly focuses on the history of the Grand Lodge of England. The author touches upon a very important problem of the national Masonic organizations’ transformation. The close connection of the “new” Freemasonry with the events in post-revolutionary England is emphasized.

Project about medals by Francesco Algarotti

The article discussesthe project aboutthemedals of Francesco Algarotti. In his «Essay on Russian History in Medals», Algarotti proposed to perpetuate important events in the history of Russia in medals, thus noting the periods of the reign of Peter I, Anna Ioannovna, Elizabeth Petrovna, Catherine II. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that Algarotti’s essay contributed to the creation of an objective image of Russia in the eyes of the enlightened part of Europeans and strengthened the prestige of Russia as a power.

Lady Honor Lisle: The power limits of an Early Tudor Noblewoman

The article examines the possibilities of a noblewoman’s influence on strengthening the positions and promoting the interests of her own and her family in the Early Tudor aristocratic society, based on the letters of Lady Honor Lisle. It is revealed that letters, personal contacts, patronage, exchange of information and gifts were widely practiced by Lady Lisle. The limits of this woman’s power were also outlined by various requests addressed to her, the fulfillment of which was within the competence of her husband.

Jan Iskra from Brandis and his role in the social and political struggles in Slovakia and Hungary in the 1440–1460s

The article examines the activities of the Czech knight Jan Iskra of Brandis in Slovakia and Hungary in the 1440–1460s. In the conditions of a sharp aggravation of the socio-political struggle, he managed to gain significant influence and assert power over most of the territory of modern Slovakia. The author reveals the reasons for the rise of Iskra, as well as the circumstances of the loss of his conquered positions after 1453.

Saratov – the City of Labor Valour

In the article, the editorial Board of the journal refers to a significant event in the life of the region of recent times – the awarding of the honorary title of «City of Labor Valour» to Saratov Saratov. The reasons for making such a decision by the President of the Russian Federation are considered. It shows the contribution of Saratov as one of the largest military-industrial centers of the country in ensuring victory in the Great Patriotic War and the most important facts of the labor feat of its residents.

H. Walpole’s “Historic Doubts” in his Characterization of Richard III

Статья посвящена анализу сочинения Х. Уолпола «Исторические сомнения относительно жизни и правления короля Ричарда Третьего». Предпринята попытка пересмотра и реабилитации английского короля Ричарда III. Историк-любитель, знаток политических тонкостей Х. Уолпол постарался установить связь между формированием образа Ричарда III и политической обстановкой, сложившейся в стране после его смерти. Работа Х.

The Religious Rebel Movements’ Phenomenon in Africa: the Holy Spirit Movement and the Lord’s Resistance Army

Religious factor is historically one of the main factors in the armed conflicts’ outbreak. This is especially pronounced in Africa, where the dogmas of world religions fancifully overlap with local traditional beliefs. In some cases, religious contradictions are at the root of conflicts, but much more often religious symbols are used to justify social and political demands.

The French Military Losses During the Wars of the First Empire

This article explores the irretrievable losses of the French army during the Napoleonic wars through analysis of the service records of soldiers stored in the French military archive (SHD, Vincennes, 20 YC). This source allows to estimate military losses much more accurately than individual reports, which help to sum up these losses. During the study, service records of the main part of the Napoleonic army, without guards and foreign regiments were reviewed. This is about 8,431 people.
