Russian History


The article deals with the correspondence book. LV Shakhovsky, who, during the Russian-Turkish war was the representative of the newspaper «Moscow News». Understand the views of the causes and memoirist course of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877–1878. Just drawing historical parallels between Russia and the balkans. 


In the article we study the reminiscences left by the leaders and most prominent members of neo-populist parties, such as V. M. Chernov,b. V. Savinkov, A. V. Peshekhonov, E. k. breshko-breshkovskaya,G. V. Greshuni, V. M. Zenzinov. The research of private sources isimportant for deeper and more profound understanding of historicalevents and processes.


This article is devoted to the analysis of the image of Stasov, outstanding Russian art critic, from the direction of his enemies in the newspaper «Novoe Vremya» («New Time»). There is distinguished the polemics, which is developed in the national periodical press as regards the productions ofV. V. Vereshchagin, I. Ye. Repine, M. M. Antocolsky and «The New Russian School» leaders. This productions, presented by Stasov as picture of «the Russian direction», were roughly criticized by the «Novoe Vremya».

Reforming of the country's agricultural sector at the end of XX century

The article analyzes the process of reforming of the country's agriculture at the end of XX century on the basis of regulatory documents, statistics and periodicals. We study the order of the reorganization of collective and state farms, creation of conditions for the formation of peasant (farmer), joint stock companies, co-operative farms.. The conclusion is that the agrarian policy of the state is not drawn on the experience of doing the farm. The reforms were not prepared and carried out in a short time by incompetent people.

The periodization of formation of Russian Red Army in the works of its founder

The focused on the periodization of the Soviet military construction during the Civil War at an early stage of its development in the first post-war decade

The role of representation power in developing foreign policy of the Russian Empire (April 1906 – June 1907)

The paper studies the role played by the State Duma in developing foreign policy of the Russian Empire during the First Russian revolution. Competences of the representation power do not extend to foreign policy. However, the State Law, adopted in 1906, gave members of Parliament tools of indirect control that enabled them to influence current activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to shape foreign policy of the country

The Role of R. R. Rosen at Russo-Japanese Negotiations about Korean and Manchurian Question

The article focuses on the Russian minister to Japan R. R. Rosen’s role at the negotiations that preceded the war of 1904 – 1905. Because of quite long stay at the diplomatic service in Japan, he could study Japanese interests in East Asia and the attitude of the Japanese society to the Russian Empire claims to the control over Manchuria and Korea thoroughly. Being informed about military potential of Japan, R. R. Rosen stated that rise of armed conflict was extremely undesirable; however, in spite of his efforts, Saint-Petersburg and Tokyo couldn’t strike a happy medium.

Russian-turkish war of 18771878. in a poetic publicism

The article discusses a number of poetry written on the topic of Balkan crisis of the 70's. XIX century. and the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. Examines the views of commentators on the causes and course of the war with the Ottoman Empire, shows the impact on the poetic journalism critical of public sentiment

Nikita Petrovich Villebois: two versions of biography

This article is devoted to one of the most mysterious and notorious sources on history of Peter I’s times. It is so called «Villebois’s memoirs». The author compares «autobiographic» story of the «memoir» with the real biography of the French at the Russian service Nikita Petrovich Villebois (1674–1760) and comes to the conclusion, that Villebois couldn’t write the memoir himself. The «autobiographic» part of «Villebois memoirs» is to be published in Russian for the first time. 
