Mezin Sergey Alekseevich RussiaSaratovSaratov State University, 83 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov 410012, RussiaProfessor, Head of the History of Russia DepartmentHistory Doctormezinsa@mail.ru Author's articles Nikita Petrovich Villebois: two versions of biography 1812 in the works of the Saratov historians For the memory of Nikolay Alekseevich Troitskiy Book Review: Mind the birthplace of Russia! A book Review: Singaevsky V.N. Novgorod, Pskov, Pushgory. Guide Book. «Хорошие наблюдатели»: об источниках сведений Д. Дидро о России Взгляд из новозавоеванной Финляндии French Rossika in the Middle of the XVIII Century Moscow Travel Guide for Voltaire