Russian History

Eugene Tour – a memoirist of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877–1878

The article deals with the memorial heritage of the Russian writer and journalist E. V. Salias de Tournemire. Her memories are devoted to a significant event of the XIX century. - Russo-Turkish war of 1877–1878. The author analyzes the views of the memoirist concerning the causes and course of hostilities with the Ottoman Empire, shows the impact of public forces in the country's foreign policy.

N. A. Milyutin in memoirs and epistolary heritage of his wife M. A. Milyutina

The article analyses "The Notes" by M. A. Milyutina and her correspondence with I. S. Turgenev, published in "Russkaya Starina", and also archive documents from Milyutin's Fund (RGIA, F. 869. Op. 1. D. 1149). The studied materials provided new features to N. A. Milyutin's biography, showed the backstage struggle in the most complicated period of the reformer's activity (mid-1850s to early 1860s) and revealed the peculiarities of his character in his relations with his wife, the like-minded people and the conservative opposition. 

Countess A. D. Bludova and her Memoirs

The article is devoted to the study of the biography and the political outlook of Countess A. D. Bludova, who took an active part in public life of Russia in the XIX century. The basis of the article is the analysis of A. D. Bludova' s notes and memoirs. The author formulates a conclusion concerning the place of the political events of European history at the turn of the 1820–1830s in the folding and evolution of features of A. D. Bludova’s political outlook.

Court music in the middle and the second half of the XVII century as the reflection of the trends of a transitional period in Russian history

This article is focused on the cultural and historical processes in the XVIIth-century Russia, with musical culture revealing some post-Medieval and baroque stylistic features. The paper analyzes the forms of court music, characterizes singers’ corporations and diversity of genres, points out new singing styles and brings forward the idea of gradual appearance of secular music performing, theatre and military music.

The Capias Warrant of 1596 from the Archive of the Theotokos Convent in Suzdal

This paper acquaints the historians with a newly found primary source, which refers to an extremely rare (for the XVI century Russia) kind of legal record — a capias warrant; in this case the one that describes course of inquest on Ivan Oboiutin's gang. The publication is preceded by an analysis of the document’s content. 

Private possessions of large-scale patrimonial estate holders in the cities of the South of Russia in the middle of the XVII century

In this work, the analysis of private possessions of large-scale patrimonial estate holders in the cities of the South of Russia in the mid-seventeenth century is presented. The author involves a variety of archival and record keeping material. Much attention is paid to the possessions of the Romanov boyars, which were the largest in the region. The article shows the role and the place of private property in the social and economic life of the cities of the South of Russia.

The National-ethnical formation of the USSR in the post-war period: the main directions and tendencies

The main directions and characteristics of the Soviet State national-linguistic policy in the second half of 1940s - the middle of the 1980s are analyzed in the article. The conclusion about the priority development of the Russian language and its' role in the formation and shaping of the Soviet nation as a qualitively new historical community is made. The specificity of the interaction between the Russian language and the languages of the USSR peoples in the post-war period is studied.

The Post-war Social Movement of the Russian Germans (1954 – 2014): an Attempt of a System Analysis

Автор впервые попытался провести системный анализ послевоенного общественного движения российских немцев (1954–2014 гг.). В работе выделены важнейшие этапы общественного движения, дана их общая характеристика. Рассмотрены специфика каждого этапа, основные проблемы, которые приходилось решать лидерам движения, реакция государства на общественную деятельность российских немцев.

The Engagement of the NKVD Troops in the Struggle Against Nationalist Groups on the Territory of the Baltic States in the Final Period of the Great Patriotic War (1944–1945)

The article deals with the features of the service and combat activity
of the NKVD troops struggling against nationalist groups on the
territory of the Baltic states. The author characterizes the nationalist
organizations, operating in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and shows
the peculiarities of the forces’ units’ engagement in the struggle
against banditism in the Baltic republics.

The Ukrainian Topic in the Marxist Historians’ Society

This article shows the basic aspects of analyzing the Ukrainian topic within the Marxist Historians’ Society during the second half of the 1920s – the beginning of the 1930s. It is stated that the Society played a key role in the scholarly discredit and organizational disintegration of the national Ukrainian historiography, assisting the authorities in solving current political agenda and in promoting a new concept of native history.
