Russian History

The aborigine alteration in the Big World War: suits and deliberations in the historiography of problem

The article is devoted to the reflection in soviet and modern russian historiography of the aborigine alteration`s  problem  in the Big World War 1941-1945 years. It is showed the formiration of conception and her specifics on different historiography stages. Particularly attention is spared to advisement of discussions of the begining`s time of aborigine alteration during the War

Financial bodies on the eve of the siege of Leningrad (June 22 - September 8, 1941)

In the article on the basis of archival documents can be traced activities of financial bodies of Leningrad in the period from the beginning of the great Patriotic war to the siege of Leningrad.

The Russian parliament and the foreign policy of country after February revolution

After February revolution the foreign policy of the country became a subject of serious disagreements in the Russian society. Lack of the coordinated foreign policy priorities, the distinct purposes and tasks in the field of the international relations led to decrease in productivity of the Russian diplomacy, was a source of a political tension within the country.

The beginning of the XXth century as the critical moment in the history of the Ural Cossacks: the positing of the problem

The article tells about the role of the Ural Cossacks before and during  the revolution of the 1917 and the civil war in Russia. The author points out the key issues, with may help to solve the problem of finding the reasons of the mutual hostility between the Ural Cossacks and the Soviet authority

Sunset Russian Empire or image power revolutionary era (on materials Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry provisional Government)

In this paper, using materials of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry Interim Government an attempt is made to analyze the professional and moral and psychological qualities of some key figures in the Tsarist regime, formed the characteristic features of the image power in recent years the reign of Nicholas II.

Municipal Statute of 1870 and the municipal government of the German cities: the problem of borrowing elements of the electoral system

The article is devoted to one aspect of the preparation of the urban reform of Alexander II. The author studies the problem of borrowing elements of the municipal electoral system, which existed in the German cities in the middle of the XIX century. The most probable causes of this borrowing are investigated in this article.

Historic-cultural training as a resource in no profile high school

The article deals with educational possibilities of historic-cultural training as a part of humanitarian aspect of no profile high education

The Formation of the Soviet Festive Culture and Perculiarities of its Perception in the Public Mind in 1917 – 1920th.

Soviet power was actively developing the festive culture in the revolutionary period which was aimed at the formation in the social consciousness the power’s conception. But the festive representation was addressed to the proletariat owing to its external expression and form. The urban population of the capitals and other provincial cities, peasantry whose mentality didn’t correspond to the proletarian holidays stayed out of the festive culture. Their holiday’s perception was far from the desired result which the soviet power strived to achieve.

The protection of A. N. Potresov and his adherents of their position con-cerning the First World War in August, 1917

The author of this article study a «two-uniform» position concerning the First World War of the one of leaders of Menshevism A. Potresov and his adherents which they had after February Revolution. This position combined a necessity of participation of the Russian Workers for the organization of national defense from the external enemy and a struggle for the conclusion of the just democratic peace. It has found the bright expression during the Unification Congress of Russian Social Democracy and the Kornilov’s action.

The creation image of “Hero-Terrorist” in the trials of the socialist-revolutionaries in 1905

This article describes a creation the image of "the hero-terrorist" from the members of the Socialist Revolutionary party in litigation in 1905. The analysis of the influence of this image to the Russian culture. The author concludes that the historical doom of political terror and its groundlessness as a means of solving political problems.
