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Azerbaijani-Turkish Economic Cooperation: Formation and Main Directions of Development (1992–2010)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the main directions of development of economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey in the post-Soviet period (1992–2010). The author considers the legal basis of Azerbaijani-Turkish economic relations, and the impact of bilateral treaties on the growth and dynamics of economic indicators. A detailed analysis of the importance of the countries in social and economic life of each other is presented.

Socio-Economic, Political, Cultural and Religious Development of Japan at the Turn of the 6th–7th Centuries by the Shōtoku Constitution

The paper focuses on the article-by-article analysis of the Shōtoku Constitution, where information about the political system, social structure, cultural and religious climate in Japan at the turn of the 6th-7th centuries is presented. The author pays attention to borrowing from Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, which is included in the document.

The Town and Monastery in Medieval Bohemia (X–XIII Centuries)

The article discusses the interaction of the two most important institutions of medieval society – the town and monastery in the Bohemia of X–XIII centuries, the peculiarities of this interaction during a specified period. Particular attention is paid to the XIII century, during which the Czech society, including the city and the Church, underwent significant changes, and the political, legal and socioeconomic system of the Bohemia approached the Western European model of medieval development.

The Role of Salman Reis in the Ottoman Conquests in the Red Sea Area

The article is devoted to the Ottoman naval commander Salman Reis who took part in several expeditions of the Mamluk Sultanate against Portugal. It is shown that in 1525, after an inspection of the fleet in Jeddah, he prepared a report on the political and economic situation in the Red Sea area and the Indian ocean. The Ottoman authorities used this report as a program for the expansion of the Empire in the region.

“Music of the Spheres”: the Order of the Elizabeth Tudor’s Coronation Banquet

The coronation royal banquet of Elizabeth Tudor was held in Westminster Hall on 15 January 1559. The theatrical staging of the royal feasting involves the ritual complex of the medieval coronation and the ritual’s renovation of the sixteenth century. The article focuses on the traditions of the processions, tournaments and structural conversion of the ceremonial atmosphere. The context of the social and political conflicts of the sixteenth century influences the ritual genesis of the Elizabeth Tudor’s coronation feasting. Keywords: Elizabeth Tudor, English 

The Freemasons: Mystics, Enlighteners, Revolutionaries

The focus of the author are the events of the European Masonic movement in the XVII – XVIIIth centuries. Analysis of sources helped to illuminate the causes the course of the reform of “old masonry” in Britain in the Modern history. It is shown that the change agents were the intellectuals, members of the Royal Society. Their aim was wide-ranging reforms society in the spirit of the concepts of the Enlightenment. As the author proves, new Grand Lodge actively exported their practices to Europe and North American colonies.

African-American Civil Rights Protection Activity of Booker T. Washington (The Late XIX – Early XX Centuries)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the activities of the AfricanAmerican leader of the XIX–XX centuries – Booker T. Washington (1856–1915) aimed to protect the civil and political rights of the Black American population. A well-known public person, B. T. Washington promoted his accommodation policy based on the interracial compromise. Its goal was the temporary renunciation by the African-Americans of the political and social equality in the Southern states in order to achieve the material progress. Publicly declaring the need to adapt to the prevailing social order in the South, B.

Approaches of G. Bush-senior and B. Clinton Administrations to the Problem of Nuclear Disarmament of Ukraine in the Period of 1992–1996

The article analyzes the approaches of G. Bush-senior and B. Clinton administrations to the problem of nuclear disarmament of Ukraine in the period of 1992–1996. The author studies the features of the negotiation process in the context of the goals and objectives of the United States. Based on an analysis of the texts of agreements, American and Ukrainian policy documents, expert assessments and memoirs of statesmen, the author comes to the conclusion that the nuclear disarmament of Ukraine was one of the key issues of both administrations during the indicated period. 

B. Obama’s «Fragile Consensus» and the Future of the New START Treaty

The article is devoted to the study of the most probable variants of developments around the New START Treaty, through which various groups of the American ruling elite are trying to achieve their global strategic goals. Special attention is paid to the study of the factor of inter-party interaction, which predetermined the achievement of a «fragile consensus» between the Republican and Democratic parties on the issue of complementarity of the program of modernization of nuclear triad and arms control process.

Georgia in the Turkish «Soft Power» Policy Context on the Cusp of Centuries

The article discusses the «Soft Power» policy of Turkey towards Georgia on the cusp of the 20th and 21st centuries. The author analyzes the main tools and forms of this policy implementation in the humanitarian sphere, outlines its terms and historical context. The study draws conclusions concerning the cooperation nature and prospects for Turkish «Soft Power» applying in Georgia.

H. Walpole’s “Historic Doubts” in his Characterization of Richard III

Статья посвящена анализу сочинения Х. Уолпола «Исторические сомнения относительно жизни и правления короля Ричарда Третьего». Предпринята попытка пересмотра и реабилитации английского короля Ричарда III. Историк-любитель, знаток политических тонкостей Х. Уолпол постарался установить связь между формированием образа Ричарда III и политической обстановкой, сложившейся в стране после его смерти. Работа Х.

Charity in London under the Tudors: Gender Perspective

The article examines a charity in London at the end of the 15th–16th Centuries based on the material of the wills of merchants and artisans and their widows. The directions of the citizens‘s charity are identified: Church, social, cultural and educational, and specific forms of their manifestation are characterized from a gender perspective. The author shows that deep social changes and Reformation processes in Tudor England also caused serious transformations of spiritual, religious and moral values of people of that time, which was reflected in the charitable activities of Londoners. 

From Humphrey Llwyd to Iolo Morganwg: Main Stages of Development of Antiquarian Tradition of Wales in the XVI – Mid XIX Century

This article is devoted to the analysis of antiquarian tradition of Wales in the XVI – mid-XIX century. The author highlights the basic stages and reasons for the development of Welsh antiquarianism, and also on the example of the works of a number of Welsh antiquaries gives an assessment of their contribution to the study of the past of the western Celtic region of Britain.

N. V. Orloff and the Beginning of Teaching of the Russian Language at King’s College London

The article restores the biography of N. V. Orloff (1844–1915), a psalmist of the Church in the name of the Assumption of the Mother of God at the Russian Embassy in London, which, in addition to his official duties and translation activities, was involved in the process of establishing Russian studies in Great Britain in the late XIXth – early XXth centuries.

The Image of Austria in Russian Public Opinion in the XIX – Early XX Century

The article examines the process of forming the image of Austria in Russian public opinion in the 19th – early 20th century. The author pays main attention to the influence that public opinion had during this period on the development of Russian-Austrian relations. The author concludes that the negative image of Austria formed in public opinion had a significant impact on the development of the Russian government’s foreign policy, hindered the search for compromises and pushed for confrontation.

Iran and the «Arab Peace Initiative» on Syria

Based on Iranian and Arabian sources, the article analyzes the formation of the «Arab peace initiative» on Syria, which was supposed to put an end to the 2011 Syrian crisis by regional states. The participation of Iran, the closest ally of Syria in the Middle East region, its reaction and the evolution of the approach to the «Arab initiative» as it is being implemented, is examined.

Domestic Regions and Nation-States: Cooperation or Rivalry?

The article is devoted to international aspects of interaction between domestic regions and national states. In the course of the research the author considers a number of foreign models of interaction between the state and domestic regions, compares them with the Russian experience, shows the negative impact of globalization process both on nation-states and domestic regions. The aim of the article is to show how the model of interaction between the state and regions is changing under the influence of external factors. 

The Modern Stage of the History of Inter-Regional Russian-Chinese Cooperation in the Conditions of Regionalization

The article is devoted to the analysis of modern processes of interregional cooperation in the Far East in the context of regionalization. The analysis was based on Russian-Chinese interregional interaction. Based on the theory of new regionalism, the contemporary role of regions in the 21st century was determined. The Russian foreign policy strategy “Turn to the East”, outlined in 2014, has established new prospects for interaction between Russian and Chinese regions in the Far East.

‘The Community of the Realm’ in the Late XIII Century: on Formalization of the Parliament in Medieval Scotland

The article is dedicated to consideration of the Scottish parliamentary statutes and circumstances surrounding their enacting from the death of Alexander III of Scotland to the end of the initial period of the First War of Scottish Independence. Reference to the issue on the emergence of the parliament in Scotland required a distinct coverage of the history of the colloquium in 1235– 1286.

William de la Pole: the Story of the Fall and Success of “Favorite Merchant” of Edward III

The article is dedicated to William de la Pole, an English financier and merchant of the 14th century. The results of the analysis of narrative, documentary sources, as well as modern scientific literature are presented. Activities of W. de la Pole is shown against the background of the socio-economic and political history of England. The characteristic of the early activities of the merchant, his role as a Royal financier and participation and participation in solving the financial and economic problems of the state during the Hundred Years’ War is given.
