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Kiyasov S. E. The Freemasons: Mystics, Enlighteners, Revolutionaries. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2, pp. 209-214. DOI:

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The Freemasons: Mystics, Enlighteners, Revolutionaries


The focus of the author are the events of the European Masonic movement in the XVII – XVIIIth centuries. Analysis of sources helped to illuminate the causes the course of the reform of “old masonry” in Britain in the Modern history. It is shown that the change agents were the intellectuals, members of the Royal Society. Their aim was wide-ranging reforms society in the spirit of the concepts of the Enlightenment. As the author proves, new Grand Lodge actively exported their practices to Europe and North American colonies.


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