World History


В статье анализируются взаимоотношения между Данией и Норвегии в X–XI вв. В качестве источника используются саги, например «Круг Земной», а также хроники. Основное внимание уделено завоеванию Норвегии во времена правления Кнута Великого (1016–1035) и включение этой страны в состав его империи. Определяются причины, по которым захват данного региона прошёл успешно, а также дальнейшие действия короля по освоению этой земли.


В статье анализируется дискуссия о времени и обстоятельствах основания Херсонеса Таврического на её современном этапе. Представлена краткая характеристика основных гипотез, начиная с 90-х гг ХХ в. по настоящее время. Обозначены их спорные положения и критические замечания к ним. Автор приходит к выводу, что до сих пор среди исследователей отсутствует единое мнение по ключевым вопросам ранней истории города. Для решения некоторых из них автор предлагает обратиться к изучению и публикации новых археологических материалов.

Crises of the 1930s in the estimates of U.S. society

The article describes reaction of U.S. society to the crisis moments of international Affairs 1931–1939. U.S. media estimates analyzed the Germany's aggression in Europe and Japanese aggression in Asiа

Masonry movement in Germany of the 18th century

The article studies the topical question of the masonry movement history in Germany of the 18th century. If particularly focuses on the activity of the political masonry

Thomas Platter and the Cultural Space of London at the End of the XVI Century

The article analyzes the perception of London cultural space of Thomas Platter, a foreign traveler and a contemporary from the view point of cultural and intellectual history. The author finds out how the cultural strata of a Swiss, brought up in humanistic environment, his subjective attitudes, thoughts, abilities (“cultural constraint”) are reflected in the “different” cultural strata. Platter focuses not only on the exterior cultural attributes of London and its architectural highlights.

The images of British monarchs in French political literature of XVI century

The paper deals with the problem of «alien» in political literature of France during the wars of religion of 16-th century. The author insists that the traditional model of the fiend connected with Englishmen evolutined due the new confessional confrontation and there were constructed new historical myths used by political propaganda in France.

Papias’ Role in the Emergence of the Church Tradition about St. John

The author analyzes the work of the bishop of Hierapolis Papias (d. after 130 C.E.) and comes to conclusion about relations of his text to the Gospel of John. This allows to establish Papias’ influence on the emergence and the tradition formation about the St. John

The Roman demography of the late Republic in the modern foreign historiography

The paper considers the modern discussion about Roman demography of the Republic presented in works of modern foreign scholars. The author discusses the most important reconstructions made by E. Lo Cascio, L. de Ligt, S. Hin and others. Не points out the historical problems which must be solved for a better understanding of demographic development of Rome in this period. The criteria and functions of the Roman census, the factors which impacted on Roman census figures of the Republic are meant

Health of children employed in a factory production of England in second quarter of the XIX century.

This article examines such aspect of factory production, as the health of children employed on the factories. By means of analysis medical reports and reports of parliamentary committees concerning the question of sanitary conditions in the factories, the author comes to the conclusion that the opinion is exaggerated about the bad influence on health children who employed on the factories, and skeletal deformities are less common among them.

«Cossacks» and anti Russian Napoleonic propagation in 1814 year

In article is considered one of episodes of history of Napoleonic propagation – use of an image of "Cossack ‑barbarian" in the anti-Russian rhetoric during military campaign of 1814 in France.
