
Financial policy of Saratov zemstvo: Expenditure and budgetary deficit

The article presents the characteristics of the most important part of the financial policy of the zemstvo self-government bodies in Saratov province - administration of the expenditure budget. Particular attention is paid to the types of expenses aimed at fulfilling the compulsory and optional duties of the zemstvo. An important place in the publication is occupied by the problem of budget deficit and credit policy of zemstvo institutions in 1866-1917.

The service of N. F. Annensky in the zemstvo

Zemstvo officials occupied a prominent place in the social life of Russia in the post-reform period. Many of them participated in the populist movement in the 1870s, but for various reasons they left it and devoted themselves entirely to the zemstvo service, the reby obtaining the opportunity to legally study the way of life, culture, labour activities of peasants and to defend their interests before the landlords, gubernia and uyezd administrations. N. F. Annensky was one of these devotees.

Saratov Zemstvo and Prisoners of War During World War I

The given article considers problems related to the lack of working hands in agricultural sector of Saratov province during World War I. The author concludes that general mobilization most of all effected landlords’ farms of the province. One of the ways to solve the problem of workforce shortage was the wide-spread use of prisoners of war and refugees. Specific emphasis in the article is directed at the activities of Saratov zemstvo, particularly, the experience of the distribution of the limited contingent of prisoners of war in individual households is analyzed.

Books and their Readers in Russia in the Second Half of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Century (on Materials of the Vyatka Province)

This article examines the question of how the development of education and librarianship influenced the changing interests of readers in Russia in the second half of XIX and the early XX century. The author relies on the study of published and archival materials of the Vyatka province. The comparative analysis of the data of the Zemstvo and library statistics gives the basis to draw a conclusion about the relationship between the readers’ demand and the increase in the number of students of educational institutions.

Clerical Culture of National Institutions of Pre-revolutionary Russia and Some Features of the Document Performance in Local Autonomy

Based on documentary sources, the article analyzes the peculiarities of the documentary culture of zemstvo self-government bodies starting from the second half of the 19th century till 1917. The article examines the main types and the types of documents that functioned in the system of documenting the activities of zemstvos and their subordinate institutions.

The history of the Development of Zemsky Reform Concept: “Observations on Zemsky Establishing Project” by N. A. Milyutin

The paper focuses on one of the important aspects of zemsky reform preparation - N. A. Milyutin's observations on Valuev's preliminary draft of zemstvo establishment (Preliminary Essay). The polemic sharpness of Milyutin's “observations” that occured due to promoting his own self-governance model has been traced.


The paper is thematically linked to the author s paper in «Newsletter of Saratov University». New Series. Ser. History. 2012. Vol. 12, iss. 4. It focuses on the discussion of Valuev’s project of Zemstvo Reform by the representatives of liberal bureaucracy M. A. Korf andG. A. Sherbatov