Creation and deployment of scientific institutions for the study of Dagestan in the 20s of the 20th century

The article considers the activities of the authorities of the republic on the creation of scientific institutions in the region in the 20s of the twentieth century by using diverse factual material. In conclusion, the author comes to a reasonable conclusion that in the period under review, the first research institutes and laboratories began to function in the region, despite significant difficulties.

The Formation of the Cultural and Educational Environment During the Years of the Civil War in Saratov Gubernia (Based on the Materials of Balashov District)

Having come to power, the Bolsheviks along with socio-economic, political, state and legal transformations began cultural and educational changes. The paper attempts to consider the formation of Soviet culture and education in the Russian province using the example and materials of one of the uyezds of Saratov gubernia. The author comes to the conclusion that the undertakings of the uyezd authorities in this sphere of public life were not well thought out and organized.

The timeline of Sultan Khan-Girey, the Adyghe enlightener and public figure

Historical and biographic studies are gaining relevance in national historiography. In this article, the timeline of the Adyghe enlightener and public figure Sultan Khan-Girey is traced, and also his public and publicistic activity is revealed. The progressive views of the enlightener are asserted on the basis of the carried-out analysis.

The International cooperation in the sphere of culture within the framework of Shanghai Cooperation Organization

The main stages of formation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are identified and dealt with. The role of world powers in the region is defined. The interaction of the SCO member states in cultural and humanitarian spheres is considered. Forms of cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan and China in the field of culture are reflected. 

The Formation of the Soviet Festive Culture and Perculiarities of its Perception in the Public Mind in 1917 – 1920th.

Soviet power was actively developing the festive culture in the revolutionary period which was aimed at the formation in the social consciousness the power’s conception. But the festive representation was addressed to the proletariat owing to its external expression and form. The urban population of the capitals and other provincial cities, peasantry whose mentality didn’t correspond to the proletarian holidays stayed out of the festive culture. Their holiday’s perception was far from the desired result which the soviet power strived to achieve.


The paper deals with a problem of reception of medieval French literature during the Renaissance in France. The auther claimes the thesis of formation of two points of view with that matter. The critical one formed by theoriciens of «Pleiade», and evolutional by humanist and Ronsard’s friend E. Pasquier. The late proposed the concept of unity of medieval and Renaissance French literature as well as unity of literature of langu’d’oil and langue d’oc and stating the influence of oxitaine literature on the genesis of early Renaissance Italian poesy.