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Elfond I. Y. FRENCH MEDIEVAL LITERATURE IN HISTORICAL CONCEPT OF HUMANIST E. PASQUIER. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 1, pp. 61-67. DOI:
The paper deals with a problem of reception of medieval French literature during the Renaissance in France. The auther claimes the thesis of formation of two points of view with that matter. The critical one formed by theoriciens of «Pleiade», and evolutional by humanist and Ronsard’s friend E. Pasquier. The late proposed the concept of unity of medieval and Renaissance French literature as well as unity of literature of langu’d’oil and langue d’oc and stating the influence of oxitaine literature on the genesis of early Renaissance Italian poesy. Pasquier’s concept of French literature (he suggests the new term«bonnes letters») corresponds with his theory of civilization and progress.
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