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Mnogoletnaya E. N. Contribution of the Czech Typographer of the 16th Century Daniel Adam Veleslavin to the Dissemination of Historical Knowledge in the Czech Republic. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 325-328. DOI:

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655.26(427.1)|15|+929Даниэль Адам Велеславин

Contribution of the Czech Typographer of the 16th Century Daniel Adam Veleslavin to the Dissemination of Historical Knowledge in the Czech Republic


This article deals with one aspect of publishing activities of the Czech typographer of the 16th century Daniel Adam Veleslavin, in particular his publication of translated works on history. The author analyzes this produce, and also reveals the role of the publications in cultural life of the Czech Republic of the 16th century. The appeal to sources (bibliographical lists of Czech books, forewords and dedications of the typographer) makes it possible to say Veleslavin’s product was targeted because publishing these works typographer promotes historical knowledge into the Czech Republic, while Veleslavin was not just a publisher, but also a translator of these works. During Veleslavin’s publishing activity the following works were published by his printing house: «Two chronicles on the basis of the Czech Republic» (1585), «Chronicle of the World» by Jan Karion (1584), «Politia historical» by Georg Ladutenberg (1584).


1 Knihopis českých a slovenských tisků od doby nejstarší až do konce XVIII stoleti. Vydala Komise pro knihopisný soupis československych tisků az do konce XVIII. století. Č. 1464, Č. 4735
2 Dil. II. Tisky z let 1501–1800. Č. I–IX. Praha, 1939–1967. Č. 13885.
3 Dějiny české literatury. Dil. 1. Starší česká literatura. Praha, 1959. S. 328-329, 343–348.
4 Kopecký M. Daniel Adam z Veleslavína. Praha, 1962. S. 24, 28-29.
5 Veleslavin D. A. Z předmluvy ke Kronikam dvema z r. 1585 // Kopecký M. Op. cit. S. 113–130.
6 Глазкова М. А. Развитие чешской историографии в XVI – первой четверти XVII в. : дис. … канд. ист. наук. М., 1989. С. 137.
7 Францев В. Даниель Адам Велеславин «Архитипограф Пражский». К трехсотлетию его смерти (1599–1899) // Журнал Министерства Народного Просвещения. Седьмое десятилетие. Ч. CCCXXVII. 1900. Январь. С. 319, 321-322, 325.
8 Veleslavin D. A. Z předmluvy ke Kronikam dvema z r. 1585 // Kopecký M. Op. cit. S. 117–121.
9 Мочалова В. В. Чешская литература // История литератур южных и западных славян : в 3 т. Т. 1. От истоков до середины XVIII века. М., 1997. С. 638.
10 Veleslavin D. A. Dedikace Kroniky svĕta z r. 1584 // Kopecky M. Op. cit. S. 99.
11 Předmluva ke 4. knize spisu Politia historica. z. r. 1584 // Kopecký M. Op. cit. S. 106–109.
12 Мыльников А. С. Чешская книга : Очерки истории. (Книга. Культура. Общество). М., 1971. С. 71.
13 Jireček J. Rukověť k dějinám literatury české do konce 18. věku (Sv. 2, M-Ž). Praha, 1876. S. 312.

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