Cite this article as:
Derbenev A. S. About a position of leaders of the USA on oil cooperation with Saudi Arabia in 1943. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 58-62. DOI:
About a position of leaders of the USA on oil cooperation with Saudi Arabia in 1943
The article examines approaches of the American authorities to questions of providing the state with a strategic raw material – oil, in the specific conditions of World War II. This evidence revealed the different approaches of the heads of ministries and departments to Saudi Arabia. The author reveals the role of U.S. business to strengthen political and economic cooperation with the oil emirate. This article demonstrates that a thorough analysis of documents opens up new possibilities for the study of US-Saudi relations in the abovementioned period.
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