World History and International Relations

The initial stage of ideological formation of Puritanism in the course of Reformation in England

The article deals with the origin of ideological prerequisites of Puritanism as a trend in the Church of England which appeared in the course of Reformation. The author traces penetration of Reformation ideas to England from European continent before the beginning of King’s Reformation by Henry VIII (1509–1547) in 1534 and shows the beginnings of English religious emigration on the Continent from 1520s which was formed by Englishmen who were adherents of continental Reformed churches.

Thomas Munzer in the Bohemia

The article deals with one of the pages of the life and activity of the leader of the popular wing of the German reformation, Thomas Munzer – and his trip to Prague. The reasons for Munzer’s arrival in the Bohemia, the nature of the German reformer’s activities in Prague, and the historical consequences of his activities are revealed.

Local fief system in Scalovia in 1280–1370

The article is devoted to the condition of lieges from Scalovia in the State of Teutonic Order, who possessed land estates of 2–6 hakens and were obliged to keep military service and built fortifications. Among representatives of this group, whose possessions were located mainly near the rivers Memel and Jura, there was accumulation of property and fragmentation of land estates. By stabilizing landholding, the Order could receive regular growing in number of lieges, that testified to successful incorporation of Scalovians in the new social system.

Daniel Defoe and Criminal Biography Establishment in the 18th Century (“The True and Genuine Account of the Life and Actions of the Late Jonathan Wild, not Made up of Fiction and Fable, but Taken from his Own Mouth, and Collected from Papers of his Own Wr

The author investigates the problem of a criminal biography establishment as a form of event history interpretation. On the example of the famous London criminal Jonathan Wilde’s biography by D. Defoe we show how a real historical character life was being transformed into a myth that gained independent life in the collective consciousness and reflected in different spheres of artistic culture over the next centuries. Throughout the paper the writer structures the facts, leading the reader to the logical conclusion about the hero’s tragic fate.

The Debate about the Monarchy in French Political Thought in the 16th Century

The paper deals with the central problem of political theory in the 16th century France during the period of the formation of new concepts. The author attempts to analyze the evolution in the interpretation of the problem of monarchy as well as the character of the discussion around the problem of the monarchy during the civic and religious wars.

Publishing Activities of the 16th Century Czech Book Printer Bartholomew Netolicky of Netolic

The article is devoted to the publishing activities of the 16th-century Czech typographer Bartholomew Netolicky of Netolic. The author examines the publishing activities of the printing house, which distinguishes two periods before and after the uprising of the Czech estates of 1547, reveals the number of preserved publications by their names and the genre repertoire of products.

Lisle Spouses: Business Partners or «Loving Friends»?

The article discusses the relationship of spouses in the early Tudors aristocratic family. The material from the correspondence of Lady Honour Lisle and Sir Arthur, Viscount Lisle, reveals topics that were discussed between spouses. These are business issues related to the financial situation of the family, news about family members, acquaintances and court life, exchange of gifts. The letters also show the feelings that the Lisle spouses had for each other.

William de la Pole: the Story of the Fall and Success of “Favorite Merchant” of Edward III

The article is dedicated to William de la Pole, an English financier and merchant of the 14th century. The results of the analysis of narrative, documentary sources, as well as modern scientific literature are presented. Activities of W. de la Pole is shown against the background of the socio-economic and political history of England. The characteristic of the early activities of the merchant, his role as a Royal financier and participation and participation in solving the financial and economic problems of the state during the Hundred Years’ War is given.

‘The Community of the Realm’ in the Late XIII Century: on Formalization of the Parliament in Medieval Scotland

The article is dedicated to consideration of the Scottish parliamentary statutes and circumstances surrounding their enacting from the death of Alexander III of Scotland to the end of the initial period of the First War of Scottish Independence. Reference to the issue on the emergence of the parliament in Scotland required a distinct coverage of the history of the colloquium in 1235– 1286.

The Modern Stage of the History of Inter-Regional Russian-Chinese Cooperation in the Conditions of Regionalization

The article is devoted to the analysis of modern processes of interregional cooperation in the Far East in the context of regionalization. The analysis was based on Russian-Chinese interregional interaction. Based on the theory of new regionalism, the contemporary role of regions in the 21st century was determined. The Russian foreign policy strategy “Turn to the East”, outlined in 2014, has established new prospects for interaction between Russian and Chinese regions in the Far East.
