XVI век

Lady Honor Lisle: The power limits of an Early Tudor Noblewoman

The article examines the possibilities of a noblewoman’s influence on strengthening the positions and promoting the interests of her own and her family in the Early Tudor aristocratic society, based on the letters of Lady Honor Lisle. It is revealed that letters, personal contacts, patronage, exchange of information and gifts were widely practiced by Lady Lisle. The limits of this woman’s power were also outlined by various requests addressed to her, the fulfillment of which was within the competence of her husband.

Lisle’s aristocracy family: Economy «old» nobility or wasteful gentry?

The article discusses the sources of income, expenses and methods of doing business in the aristocratic Lisle`s family. Based on the correspondence of the Lisle`s spouses with their managers and financial agents, it is revealed that the greatest income for the family came from the lease of land, extraction of tin, timber and the fish trade. The position of governor of Calais, held by Lord Lisle, also brought income.

Transformation of the image of power on the medals of the last Valois during the Religious wars

 The article is devoted to the study of images of Royal power that were used by the last Valois dynasty’s representatives, reflecting the transformations that occurred in connection with the attempt to strengthen the Royal authority with intensification of secular power and gaining spiritual power.

Lisle Spouses: Business Partners or «Loving Friends»?

The article discusses the relationship of spouses in the early Tudors aristocratic family. The material from the correspondence of Lady Honour Lisle and Sir Arthur, Viscount Lisle, reveals topics that were discussed between spouses. These are business issues related to the financial situation of the family, news about family members, acquaintances and court life, exchange of gifts. The letters also show the feelings that the Lisle spouses had for each other.

Old Age in Venetian: the Secrets of Longevity from Luigi Cornaro

The article deals with the recommendations of Luigi Cornaro on how to live a long and happy life. The focus of the author’s attention is the treatise of Luigi Cornaro, which has repeatedly become the object of study of researchers. Considering the provisions of the treatise by Luigi Cornaro, the author concludes that his recommendations reflect the ideas of ancient and medieval authors to promote moderate nutrition, healthy lifestyles as factors of human longevity. In addition, the ideas of Luigi Cornaro largely anticipated the position of modern gerontology and dietetics.

Отношения папы Пия IV c правителями итальянских государств в первой половине 60-х годов XVI века по сведениям венецианских послов Джироламо и Джакомо Соранцо

В статье рассматриваются взаимоотношения римского папы Пия IV с правителями государств Апеннинского полуострова, а именно – с герцогами Савойи, Флоренции, Ферарры, Мантуи, Урбино, Пармы и дожем Венеции по данным итоговых отчетов венецианских нобилей Джироламо и Джакомо Соранцо, послов Венеции в Риме в 1560–1563 и в 1563–1565 гг. соответственно.

Spanish Women’s Manual of the 16th Century

The article deals with the Women’s Manual published in the 16th century in Spain. The Manual contains 145 recipes. The author of the article thinks that this receptary was intended for rich Spanish women and helped them to become proficient in the basics of cosmetology and medicine.