XVI century

Transformation of the image of power on the medals of the last Valois during the Religious wars

 The article is devoted to the study of images of Royal power that were used by the last Valois dynasty’s representatives, reflecting the transformations that occurred in connection with the attempt to strengthen the Royal authority with intensification of secular power and gaining spiritual power.

Old Age in Venetian: the Secrets of Longevity from Luigi Cornaro

The article deals with the recommendations of Luigi Cornaro on how to live a long and happy life. The focus of the author’s attention is the treatise of Luigi Cornaro, which has repeatedly become the object of study of researchers. Considering the provisions of the treatise by Luigi Cornaro, the author concludes that his recommendations reflect the ideas of ancient and medieval authors to promote moderate nutrition, healthy lifestyles as factors of human longevity. In addition, the ideas of Luigi Cornaro largely anticipated the position of modern gerontology and dietetics.