
A new study on the history of the Russian peasantry during the Civil War

The review presents an analysis of V. V. Kondrashin’s textbook, which, on the basis of a large complex of archival and published documentary materials and scientific literature, recreated a panorama of the relationship of the Russian peasantry with the opposing power structures that appeared and functioned in Russia during the Great Russian Revolution – the Bolshevik government and its political opponents that arose during the Civil War, white and other regimes.

Approaches of G. Bush-senior and B. Clinton Administrations to the Problem of Nuclear Disarmament of Ukraine in the Period of 1992–1996

The article analyzes the approaches of G. Bush-senior and B. Clinton administrations to the problem of nuclear disarmament of Ukraine in the period of 1992–1996. The author studies the features of the negotiation process in the context of the goals and objectives of the United States. Based on an analysis of the texts of agreements, American and Ukrainian policy documents, expert assessments and memoirs of statesmen, the author comes to the conclusion that the nuclear disarmament of Ukraine was one of the key issues of both administrations during the indicated period. 

«On the Battles they Fought, not Sparing their Own Heads…» (The Experience of Reconstructing the History of the 18th Moscow Strelets Regiment)

The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the military history of one of the oldest regiments of the strelets garrison of Moscow, the establishment of which in 1550 marked the beginning of the history of the strelets army. The reconstruction was based on the latest archival data, to some extent, compensating for irretrievably lost documents from the archive of the Streletsky prikaz. The presented material is a historical background, allowing to reveal the little-studied issues of the organization of the strelets service in the XVII century.

The Border Cooperation in the European Union’s Eastern Partnership Program

This article deals with the Eastern Partnership Program. It is an initiative of the European Union governing its relationship with the post-Soviet states – Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Particular attention is given to border cooperation, including the Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation Support Programme