социальная психология

Housing Issue Mid-1970s as a Problem of Social Arrangement in the USSR

The social aspects of life are considered: housing legislation and the degree of provision of the USSR population with living space. By the example of citizens’ letters to the central authorities and newspapers, the problem of public relations to the process of bourgeoisie of the nomenclature elite is insufficiently covered in historical science. The conclusion is formulated that the statement of private ownership psychology among officials contributed to the weakening of proper control over capital construction.

Insufficiently explored memoirs of the nobles about Pugachevshina: "Home Notes Journal…"

The article analyses «Home Notes Journal – a source of a memoir type, unpublished and insufficiently explored dealing with the siege of Orenburg during Pugachev's Rebellion of 1773–1775. The purpose of this article is to examine the source from the author`s social psychology not from its actual side. The work aims to reconstruct the author's perception of the rebels, his interpretation of the nature of the historical event, its social basis and its causes. The author highlights the classification of the nobles`approaches to the interpretation of Pugachev revolt.