
Fiction and Historical Truth in Boris Savinkov’s Memoirs

The article analyzes the literary creativity of one of the leaders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, Boris Savinkov. The influence of creativity on the reliability of memoirs is investigated. From the standpoint of documentary facts, the objectivity of Savinkov’s memoirs as a historical source is considered. The author explores the reasons that prompted Savinkov to write memoirs. The author investigates the importance attached to the memoirs. The influence of memoirs on his contemporaries is investigated. Literary descriptions are compared with historical reality.

Революционный романтизм ранних произведений А. Грина

В статье рассматривается малоизученная сторона жизни А. Грина – его революционная деятельность. Описывается влияние революционного опыта А. Грина на его ранние произведения, написанные в стиле романтизма.


In the article we study the reminiscences left by the leaders and most prominent members of neo-populist parties, such as V. M. Chernov,b. V. Savinkov, A. V. Peshekhonov, E. k. breshko-breshkovskaya,G. V. Greshuni, V. M. Zenzinov. The research of private sources isimportant for deeper and more profound understanding of historicalevents and processes.