
Phenomenon of Bolshevism as it is Perceived by Russian Emigration

The author considers the emigrant experience of understanding the Soviet regime that was born under the influence of Russian empire collapse and radical political transformations in 1917. Based on different sources, dynamic of Russian natives’ public moods throughout 1920 (the one that was affected by European life, inter-emigrant political struggle and Bolshevistic state-building) is analyzed.

Social Development Strategy in the Soviet Union in the Second Half of the 1950s – the Middle of the 1980s: Stages of Policy-making and Implementation Mechanisms

The article analyzes the policy-making process and implementation mechanisms of the social development strategy of the Soviet Union in 1953–1985. It claims that the main ideological components of the Soviet strategy of social development during the period concerned were fully established after the XXII Congress of the Communist Party, and show which role the institutions of the Communist party played in the policy-making and realization of the Soviet social development strategy.

The timeline of Sultan Khan-Girey, the Adyghe enlightener and public figure

Historical and biographic studies are gaining relevance in national historiography. In this article, the timeline of the Adyghe enlightener and public figure Sultan Khan-Girey is traced, and also his public and publicistic activity is revealed. The progressive views of the enlightener are asserted on the basis of the carried-out analysis.