Первая мировая война

Saratov Zemstvo and Prisoners of War During World War I

The given article considers problems related to the lack of working hands in agricultural sector of Saratov province during World War I. The author concludes that general mobilization most of all effected landlords’ farms of the province. One of the ways to solve the problem of workforce shortage was the wide-spread use of prisoners of war and refugees. Specific emphasis in the article is directed at the activities of Saratov zemstvo, particularly, the experience of the distribution of the limited contingent of prisoners of war in individual households is analyzed.

Migration State Policy and the Refugees of the First World War from Belarus in the Saratov Province (1915–1918)

Saratov province was one of more than 30 provinces in Russia, where since 1915 – early 1916 till 1923 there have been thousands of refugees from Belarus. Materials of the state archives of Saratov region helped to get a clear understanding about the scope, peculiarities and terms of assistance to refugees. Special attention is drawn to relationships between the local population and forced migrants. The author comes to the conclusion that this chapter of global war has become the hardest and the most tragic challenge for forced migrants, the local population and the authorities as well.

Ирландский национализм и Великая война: начало раскола Ирландии

В статье анализируется размежевание ирландского национализма в годы Первой мировой войны. Показан процесс радикализации и милитаризации политического климата Ирландии под влиянием войны и вопроса о самоуправлении. Автор обращается к анализу причин, приведших революционное направление ирландского национализма к лидерству и способствовавших получению им массовой поддержки населения. Ключевыми событиями стали Ирландский кризис 1912–1914 гг., Пасхальное восстание и влияние идей партии Шинн Фейн.

World War I and Russia (on Some Lessons of Century-old Events)

Analyzing many events and phenomena that occurred in the leading countries of the world, and, first of all, in Russia, before, in the course of, and after World War I, the author raises and explores a number of problems of that time which are still urgent today and connected with international and domestic security of Russia. Key words: World War I, Russia, imperial nationalism, ambitions of political elite, international relations, overthrow of monarchy, war lessons, consequences of the Versailles Treaty.

Russian periodicals on the humanitarian crisis in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War

The article, based on Russian periodic press, deals with the tragic fate of the Armenian people who were subjected to deportation and genocide during the First World War, The author analyzes the causes and stages of the genocide, reveals the mechanism of the Armenian population’s destruction.

The 500-year anniversary of Jan Hus’ tragic death and the Russian society during the First World War

The author of the article considers the peculiarities of the Russian society’s perception of the great Czech philosopher Jan Hus’ heritage during the First World War and identifies the causes of the sudden surge of interest towards this personality and doctrine in Russia in 1914–1918.

Perception of war and captured Tripartite alliance Tatars of the Kazan province

Attitude of Tatars of the Kazan province which breaks up to a number of segments, wasn't exposed to the careful analysis from historical community. Long time the Tatar political discourse associated with Muslim, despite that these concepts far aren't equivalent. In article attempt of reconstruction of an image of war and the enemy in public consciousness of Muslim Tatars of the Kazan province in 1914-1915 is undertaken.

The Russian parliament and the foreign policy of country after February revolution

After February revolution the foreign policy of the country became a subject of serious disagreements in the Russian society. Lack of the coordinated foreign policy priorities, the distinct purposes and tasks in the field of the international relations led to decrease in productivity of the Russian diplomacy, was a source of a political tension within the country.

The protection of A. N. Potresov and his adherents of their position con-cerning the First World War in August, 1917

The author of this article study a «two-uniform» position concerning the First World War of the one of leaders of Menshevism A. Potresov and his adherents which they had after February Revolution. This position combined a necessity of participation of the Russian Workers for the organization of national defense from the external enemy and a struggle for the conclusion of the just democratic peace. It has found the bright expression during the Unification Congress of Russian Social Democracy and the Kornilov’s action.


The article is devoted to the research of main economy areas using Prisoners of War as labour force on the territory of Saratov province during the First World war. 4 segments are analysed and revealed to apply the labour of Prisoners of War. Special attention is paid to clarifying working conditions, rate of remuneration and types of job
