парламентская комиссия

Health of children employed in a factory production of England in second quarter of the XIX century.

This article examines such aspect of factory production, as the health of children employed on the factories. By means of analysis medical reports and reports of parliamentary committees concerning the question of sanitary conditions in the factories, the author comes to the conclusion that the opinion is exaggerated about the bad influence on health children who employed on the factories, and skeletal deformities are less common among them.

Attitude towards children in the English factories in the first half of the XIX century (based on reports and memories of contemporaries)

In this article author tries to review and set on the basis of reports of parliamentary committees and workers memories, what was the attitude towards children working in the industry in England the first half of the XIX century. The author comes to the conclusion that the children were corporeal punished. In one case, they stimulate the work of children in the other - carrying a sadistic character, brought pleasure to those who struck the victim.