
Relations between the Livonian Order and the Archbishops of Riga in the context of the Reformation and the question of the political structure of Livonia

The article reveals the nature and features of the relationship between the Livonian Order and the Archbishops of Riga during the Livonian Reformation, in 1521–1558, and reveals their attitude towards the spread of Lutheranism, the influence of the reformation processes on the political life of Livonia. It also examines the legal, political and ideological reasons and prerequisites of the Livonian Master Wolter von Plettenberg historical choice.

The Teutonic Order’s Fight against the Archbishopric of Riga at the End of the XIII – the First Third of the XIV Century and Мythologization of the History of Foundation of the Order of the Brothers of the Sword

This article reveals the peculiarities of presenting the history of creation of the Order of the Brothers of the Sword in the oldest relic of Teutonic literary tradition – the Livonian Rhymed Chronicle. The article describes historical-political conditions prevailing in the early stages of peasant’s conquest of the South-East Baltics, mutual relations between the sword bearers and Livonian bishops.