левобережный Саратов

Sources about the Left Bank of Saratov (1616–1674): General Characteristics

The article considers unknown pages of the history of the left-bank Saratov in 1616–1674. Special attention is paid to the characterization of sources about events in Saratov during this period. For the first time, the most comprehensive list of all currently known published sources on the left bank of Saratov is presented. It was concluded that this list of sources can be significantly replenished as a result of targeted searches in the archives, first of all of the RGADA, the main funds in which these sources can be found are noted.

The Begining of Trade Route from Saratov to Moscow in the Third Quarter of the 17th Century

The article considers some unknown pages of the history of left bank Saratov in 1650–1674. Special attention is paid to using the direct road along the land from Saratov to Moscow to deliver different goods and for other purposes. A list of foreign visitors that ventured to go this way from Saratov to Moscow is presented for the first time. The role of constructing Simbirsk fort and the grounds of building Penza for this land route are emphasized. The interest of Board of secret affairs and the Tsar Aleksey Mihailovich himself is shown.

Economic Situation in Left-Bank Saratov in the Third Quarter of the 17th Century: Agricultural Activity, Local Civilian Population

The article considers some unknown facts about left-bank Saratov in 1650–1674. Special attention is paid to the local population. A list of famous leaders of town community and minor officials is presented for the first time. A graduate development of town community, its increasing role for Saratov is shown.

Рыболовный промысел в левобережном Саратове в третьей четверти XVII века

В статье рассмотрены неизвестные страницы истории левобережного Саратова в 1650–1674 гг. Особое внимание уделено рыболовному промыслу, которым здесь занимались как местные жители, так и иногородние откупщики, а также Дворцовое ведомство и некоторые монастыри. Впервые представлен список откупщиков, в том числе саратовских служилых и посадских людей. Показано, какие новшества наблюдаются в данный период в
рыболовном промысле и торговле в окрестностях города.

Recruited Servicemen (Streltsy, Cannoneers, Gatesmen) in the Left-bank Saratov

The article deals with the unknown pages of the left-bank Saratov (1616–1674). Special attention is paid to recruited servicemen (mainly streltsy) and their role in the city life. For the first time, the list of many those who served in the city during the third half of the XVII century and their main activities are presented.

Hereditary Servicemen in the Left-bank Saratov

The article deals with the unknown pages of the left-bank Saratov history (1616–1674). Special attention is paid to hereditary servicemen, their role in the life of the city. For the first time, the list of Saratov boyar sons, who served in this city in the third half of the XVII century, is given.