
Socio-economic everyday life of individual farms in the Saratov Volga region in the first half of the 1930s

 The article examines the features of the life of individual peasants in the Saratov Volga region in the conditions of the dominance of collective farms. On the basis of archival documents, the direction and content of state policy in relation to individuals is revealed. Having survived the nightmare of the first years of collectivization, individual farmers began to gradually adapt to new conditions and show their resilience in an unfavorable environment. As a result, instead of joining the collective system, they discredited it by their example.

Daily Life During the Grain Campaign of 1929: on the Eve of the «Great Turning»

The article exploresthe dailylife of peasants of the Saratov Volga region on the eve of collectivization, associated with the implementation of the policy of the Soviet leadership on a large-scale “pumping out” food resources and “fighting the kulak” from the village. on the one hand, they were caused by a shortage of food for the cities and the army, on the other, they were the consequence of a ripening in the central government of the USSR decisions on accelerated collectivization.

Политические и социально-экономические процессы 1918 года в селах Саратовского Поволжья

Автор рассматривает политические и социально-экономические процессы, происходившие в 1918 г. в сельской местности Саратовского Поволжья. В начале года там завершились процессы установления советской власти, передела помещичьей земли. Они серьезно дестабилизировали обстановку, традиционную жизнь и вызвали массовые междоусобные столкновения крестьян различных деревень, грабежи зажиточного населения.

The Microdemography Analysis of Peasant Morality in Oryol Village at the Beginning of ХХ Century

The article is devoted to the study of level and reasons of mortality in peasant environment of the Oryol province on microdemography level. Based lie with statistics registers of births settlements Oryol province, kept in the State archive of Oryol region. For the study Bolhov typical localities, and Kromsk and Livensk counties of Oryol province were taken.The study of peasantry mortality is important for the study of historical and geographical differences between large regions of Russia. 

The peasantry of Central Russia during the First World War (1914 – the February of 1917)

The article is devoted to the interaction of the peasantry of Central Russia and the government during the First World War (1914–1918). The military period was favorable for the Russian village in its struggle for the country’s land fund. The war, bringing forth inevitable hardships and difficulties, did not, however, damage the Russian agriculture severely. Using different ways of putting pressure on the government, by the February of 1917 the peasantry was ready for the implementation of their hopes, especially in the form of the «Black Partition ».

The Formation of the Soviet Festive Culture and Perculiarities of its Perception in the Public Mind in 1917 – 1920th.

Soviet power was actively developing the festive culture in the revolutionary period which was aimed at the formation in the social consciousness the power’s conception. But the festive representation was addressed to the proletariat owing to its external expression and form. The urban population of the capitals and other provincial cities, peasantry whose mentality didn’t correspond to the proletarian holidays stayed out of the festive culture. Their holiday’s perception was far from the desired result which the soviet power strived to achieve.