«холодная война»

Chords of the «Cold War»: Music as a resource for representing the «image of the other» in Anglo-American cinema

The article is devoted to the study of the role of music and sound effects in the Anglo-American cinematograph. An attempt is made to assess the political and symbolic potential of media resources for representing the «image of another». To this end, the author examines a number of specific films created at different stages of the Cold War. Conclusions are made about the use of the following methods of media construction: noir representation, political-satirical spectrum, modes of address-local or mixed/combined borrowing of compositions, imitation of a «different» culture.

Chronicle of the Events of the 50s of the XX Century in the Middle East in Reflection of the Turkish Magazine «Akis»

The article is devoted to the events in the Middle East of the middle of the 20th century and their reflection on the pages of the Turkish opposition magazine Akis. The author pays special attention to the discussion and assessments of Turkey’s interference in the regional conflict, shows the evolution of the magazine’s position in relation to the Suez events, Egypt and its leader, G. A. Nasser. The article shows that the analysis of the ups and downs of Turkey’s policy will help to understand the origins, causes and ways to get out of the acute Middle East confrontation.