history of everyday life

Methodological and source problems of studying the daily life of employees of the Central office of the Soviet military administration in Germany

The article is devoted to the analysis of methodological and source-related difficulties faced by researchers of everyday life of employees of the Soviet military administration in Germany. The main attention is paid to the historiographical prerequisites for addressing this topic, the object of study, the features of various sources and the problem of «searching» for everyday life in them.

The Image of the Ally and the Practice of Interaction with Representatives of the Union Administrations in the Daily Life of SMAG Employees in 1945–1949

The article examines how during the occupation of Germany after World War II, employees of the Soviet military administration interacted with former allies in the anti-Hitler coalition. Based on memories of the employees, various images of allies were identified. The author comes to the inference that the practices of interaction between Soviet employees and representatives of the allied administrations depended on the logic of the Cold war development.

Daily Life During the Grain Campaign of 1929: on the Eve of the «Great Turning»

The article exploresthe dailylife of peasants of the Saratov Volga region on the eve of collectivization, associated with the implementation of the policy of the Soviet leadership on a large-scale “pumping out” food resources and “fighting the kulak” from the village. on the one hand, they were caused by a shortage of food for the cities and the army, on the other, they were the consequence of a ripening in the central government of the USSR decisions on accelerated collectivization.

The Economic Aspects of the History of Medieval and Early Modern Towns in Modern Ukrainian Historiography

The article analyzes the study of the economic aspects of medieval and early modern urban history by Ukrainian historians, primarily on the example of the study of urban guilds. The author draws attention to new approaches in the study of the issue and to the question of how the new understanding of culture and anthropological turn in historiography affect the study of the economy of towns. The article also indicates possible new perspectives for the study of the problem