First World War

Perception of war and captured Tripartite alliance Tatars of the Kazan province

Attitude of Tatars of the Kazan province which breaks up to a number of segments, wasn't exposed to the careful analysis from historical community. Long time the Tatar political discourse associated with Muslim, despite that these concepts far aren't equivalent. In article attempt of reconstruction of an image of war and the enemy in public consciousness of Muslim Tatars of the Kazan province in 1914-1915 is undertaken.

The protection of A. N. Potresov and his adherents of their position con-cerning the First World War in August, 1917

The author of this article study a «two-uniform» position concerning the First World War of the one of leaders of Menshevism A. Potresov and his adherents which they had after February Revolution. This position combined a necessity of participation of the Russian Workers for the organization of national defense from the external enemy and a struggle for the conclusion of the just democratic peace. It has found the bright expression during the Unification Congress of Russian Social Democracy and the Kornilov’s action.