
Revacuation of Residents of the Pskov Region (1944–1948)

The article discusses the process of returning of the inhabitants of the Pskov region to their native places after their liberation from the Nazi invaders, evacuated in 1941 to the eastern regions of the country. Digital data on the number of evacuated and re-evacuated, examples of state aid to the latter are presented, the difficulties of re-evacuation and the demographic consequences of the war for one of the indigenous regions of Russia are revealed.

Переселение на территорию бывшей «Немецкой автономии» в годы Великой Отечественной войны: цели, задачи, реализация

В статье исследуется процесс планового переселения колхозных хозяйств из Украинской ССР и ряда российских регионов в новые районы Саратовской области, образованные после депортации
немецкого населения. Анализируется соотношение различных категорий населения, вынужденно перемещенных на постдепортационную территорию. Делается вывод о том, что ядром, вокруг которого формировалось будущее население значительной части Саратовской области, стали переселенцы-колхозники.

Changes in the structure of the population of the Saratov Volga region during the Great World War (1941–1945)

In article there are considered quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure of the population of the Saratov Volga region in 1941–1945 years. They were caused by the migration processes (military and labor mobilization, deportation of Germans, evacuation, resettlement), and factors of natural movement.

The story of one evacuation: orphanage №1 for Spanish kids in the village Kukkus

The article is based on the unknown documents and memoirs considers the evacuation of the orphanage № 1 for Spanish kids to the village Kukkus (now – Village Privolgskoe of Rovensky district of  Saratov region). The author is analyzing  the work of the administration of the orphanage. The article examines the difficulties  that the kids  and the staff faced at the new place during the war. The article mostly focuses on the problem what was done to improve living conditions of the kids.