
Religious factor in the life and work of Alexander Pope

The article examines the importance of the religious factor in the life of the poet. The anti-Catholic politics of England is seen as the historical context that influenced Pope’s life and personality. Alexander Pope appears as a man who was able to use his extremely unprofitable religious affiliation in forming a career as a professional writer. The author examines the function of Catholicism, the combination of deism, concepts of natural religion, and Christian ideas in Pope’s enlightenment consciousness.

British Enlightenment in the faces of their time: View from Russia of the 21st century

The review contains comments that were the result of acquaintance with a new book by Russian experts on the history of the British Enlightenment. The authors focused on the main representatives of several generations of this direction of philosophical thought. Their bright essays are based on attracting a wide range of sources and scientific literature. Readers will have the opportunity to expand their understanding of the work of British educational intellectuals.

H. Walpole’s “Historic Doubts” in his Characterization of Richard III

Статья посвящена анализу сочинения Х. Уолпола «Исторические сомнения относительно жизни и правления короля Ричарда Третьего». Предпринята попытка пересмотра и реабилитации английского короля Ричарда III. Историк-любитель, знаток политических тонкостей Х. Уолпол постарался установить связь между формированием образа Ричарда III и политической обстановкой, сложившейся в стране после его смерти. Работа Х.

Horace Walpole about the History and Historians

The article is an attempt to analyze the English type of Enlightenment, using the historical views of H. Walpole, an 18th century English intellectual. Horace Walpole was a typical dilettante with wide interests. His views on history and historians, as well as his own historical works demonstrate many peculiarities of the “enlightenmental” approach to history.