
Preconditions and reasons for the emergence of a military-political bloc in the Middle East in the mid-1950s

This article examines the political and economic processes taking place in or related to the Middle East from the mid-30s to 1955. At the work, the author systematizes the prerequisites and reasons for the formation of CENTO, deduced on the basis of the facts set out in the work and the identified cause-and-effect relationships. The following methods were used in the work: abstraction in historical knowledge, cause-and-effect analysis of connections between historical events, historical-system analysis.

The main trends of socio-economic development of the newly formed uyezds in the Khoper River Region (Prikhoperye) in the late XVIII and the first third of the XIX centuries

The article examines the dynamics of the population and economic development of the region in the late XVIII and the first third of the XIX century. The author identifies the main trends that determined the direction of social and economic processes that took place during that period and determined the further development of the region.

Azerbaijani-Turkish Economic Cooperation: Formation and Main Directions of Development (1992–2010)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the main directions of development of economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey in the post-Soviet period (1992–2010). The author considers the legal basis of Azerbaijani-Turkish economic relations, and the impact of bilateral treaties on the growth and dynamics of economic indicators. A detailed analysis of the importance of the countries in social and economic life of each other is presented.

Incomes and Consumption of the Population of the Lower Volga in the Second Half of the 1960s – the mid-1980s

The article analyzes the dynamics of income and consumption of the population of the Lower Volga region during the pre-perestroika twenty years. Based on a wide range of evidence sources, we reveal the impact of the economic and foreign policy factors on the living standards in the region in 1965–1985. In conclusion, an assessment for the development level of the Soviet society in the mid-1980s is given.


В статье проанализированы основные этапы формирования социальной политики советского государства в 1953–1985 гг. Главное внимание уделено анализу процесса разработки и принятия советским руководством решений в социальной сфере. Выдвинуто положение о том, что к середине 1970-х гг. была сформулирована главная цель социальной политики – распределение ресурсов в пользу малообеспеченных социальных слоев и защита социальных гарантий всем категориям населения. 

Economic development of german Сolonies on the Volga river in the second half of the 18th – the first half of the 19th centuries

This article deals with the first stages of formation of German colonies on the Volga river in the second half of the 18th – the first half of the 19th centuries. The colonization policy of the government consisted of the whole system of well-thought means and decrees that tended to spread on all sides of internal life of colonists. After the first hard years of emerging German colonies and up to the middle of the 19th century thanks to undivided supervision of economic development of the region it became possible to solve the problem of colonization of the region.

Possible implications of Kyrgyzstan`s membership in the Customs Union

The article analyzes the risks and benefits for Kyrgyz Republic to enter to the Customs Union in the short and long term perspectives. Taking into account the economic situation in the country, the article describes the realistic scenarios of the effects of the Customs Union to economic sectors of the country and different layers of the population. The author also shares his opinion and gives practical recommendations to minimize the negative effects of joining the Kyrgyz Republic to the Customs Union


The article says about the socio-economic progress of the Ural Cossacks army at the beginning of XX century. The purpose of study is to analyze and designate some features that were typical for economics of the own Ural Cossacks’ economy.