Эдуард III

William de la Pole: the Story of the Fall and Success of “Favorite Merchant” of Edward III

The article is dedicated to William de la Pole, an English financier and merchant of the 14th century. The results of the analysis of narrative, documentary sources, as well as modern scientific literature are presented. Activities of W. de la Pole is shown against the background of the socio-economic and political history of England. The characteristic of the early activities of the merchant, his role as a Royal financier and participation and participation in solving the financial and economic problems of the state during the Hundred Years’ War is given.

Geoffrey Chaucer’s Vicious Aristocracy and Virtuous Workers

Geoffrey Chaucer is a representative of an early English humanistic literature, who in his «The Canterbury tales» managed to show the whole panorama of social life in England of the XIV century. His short stories reflect the epochal change, the formation of new values and a new elite. Chaucer notes the degradation of the secular and spiritual aristocracy, welcomes the enrichment and strengthening of the third estate, connects it with the future of their country, admires workers-peasants that preserved the moral purity of the «corrupt age» of the poet.

The Struggle of the «Old» and «New» Patricians in London in the Last Quarter of the 14th Century

The article is devoted to the struggle of the «old» and «new» patricians in London at the end of the 14thcentury. At that time the guild masters, led by the traders of textile goods, opposed the oligarchic merchant regime ofvictualing guilds. In 1381‑1383 the democratic opposition gained the upper hand, and their leader –a draper John Northampton ‑ became mayor of the capital. He organized socio-economic and political reforms in the interests of wide layers of the population.