The article analyzes the views and diplomatic practices of the Russian statesman and scholar N. V. Charykov aimed at solving the problem of creating a system of international security. The formation of Charykov’s views and their development is traced. The most important aspect of his reasoning was consideration of the evolution of the status of peace treaties from ‘eternal’ to ‘relative’ as an important condition for excluding the military way of solving international problems.
В статье на основе документов из Архива внешней политики Российской Федерации рассматривается характер и содержание встречи народного комиссара по иностранным делам СССР В. М. Молотова с послом Ирана в Москве М. Саедом, состоявшейся 25 августа 1941 г., на которой Молотов проинформировал посла о вводе советских войск в Иран и вручил соответствующую ноту.
In this article, I.M. Maisky’s involvement in the elaboration of a joint USSR and Great Britain position concerning Iran in the summer of 1941 is considered, based on his memoirs, diaries and correspondence.
The hypothesis is justified in the article thatidentity of positions on situation in Iran after Nazi aggression against USSR have predetermined rather rapid overcoming of mutual distrust between USSR and Great Britain and conclusion of an agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany.