
Failed return: Germans in the Volga region. 1955–2010

The article examines the attempts to return the Volgagermans, deported in 1941, to their places of pre-war residence. The author gives a periodization of these processes and reveals the features of each period. Attempts to relocate to the Volga from Siberia and Kazakhstan began to be undertaken since 1956 after the abolition of the special settlement regime for the Germans (1955). Until the end of 1972, they were illegal, the settlers faced many difficulties, since there was a ban on the return of the Germans to the places of the pre-war accommodation.

Migrants to the Post-Deportation Territories of the Volga Region, North Caucasus and Crimea in the 1940s: Ethnic Appearance and Social Portrait

The article analyzes the ethnic appearance and social portrait of immigrants to the post-deportation territories of the Volga region, the North Caucasus and the Crimea in the 1940s. It is proved that mostly Russians and Ukrainians moved to the settlements that were deserted after deportation. The conclusion is made about the successful adaptation of the majority of immigrants to new living conditions.


Автор исследует два крайних и противоположных направления в историографии российских немцев. Оба они связаны с оценкой репрессий сталинского режима в отношении немецкого населения СССР. Одно из них оценивает репрессии против советских немцев как целенаправленную политику геноцида, другое пытается оправдать репрессии, объяснить их чрезвычайной ситуацией и высшими интересами государства.


В статье анализируется процесс насильственного перемещения значительных масс населения из «западных» республик СССР в восточные районы страны в послевоенный период. Рассматривается влияние депортированных народов на эволюцию национальной структуры населения ряда союзных республик. Исследуются предпосылки неизбежности, вследствие разрушения системы спецпоселений, очередного этапа радикального изменения национальной структуры республик Северного Кавказа.

Russian periodicals on the humanitarian crisis in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War

The article, based on Russian periodic press, deals with the tragic fate of the Armenian people who were subjected to deportation and genocide during the First World War, The author analyzes the causes and stages of the genocide, reveals the mechanism of the Armenian population’s destruction.

National movements of the deported peoples as a factor of the dissolution of the USSR

The role of the national movements of the deported peoples in the process of the USSR dissolution is investigated in the article. The programmes of the national movements and its main purpose - creation of independent national states - are analysed in the article. It is made a conclusion that the national movements' leaders position in the setting of the weakened center and the republican national elites strengthening has become disastrous for the integrated state.

Changes in the structure of the population of the Saratov Volga region during the Great World War (1941–1945)

In article there are considered quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure of the population of the Saratov Volga region in 1941–1945 years. They were caused by the migration processes (military and labor mobilization, deportation of Germans, evacuation, resettlement), and factors of natural movement.

Germans of the USSR on a special settling

The article examines such a phenomenon of the Soviet socialist reality as special settling (a special regime when people are not allowed to leave the place of their living). The author studies the life of the Soviet Germans who made up the majority of special settlers. Education, the structure of German special settling, legal aspects and everyday life, reasons and peculiarities of withdrawing this regime are considered