Департамент полиции

V. F. Totomianz – Historian, Theorist and Propagandist of Russian Cooperation

The contribution to the history and theory of the cooperative movement by the outstanding Russian scientist V. F. Totomianz, author of numerous works, encyclopedic essays on the history and theory of international and Russian cooperation. The practical participation of the Totomianz in the work of cooperative congresses, which determined the direction of development of Russian cooperation, is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to teaching, research and advocacy in Russia and in exile.

The First Cooperative Congresses in Pre-revolutionary Russia and the Reaction of the Authorities to their Oganization (1908–1913)

The results of the work of the first Russian cooperative congresses, their composition and size are investigated. The decisions of the congresses, which determined the direction of development of agricultural, credit, consumer, industrial, creamery and processing cooperatives, are analyzed for many years to come. Special attention in the article is paid to the reaction of the authorities to their organization and to identifying the reasons for participation in political parties in cooperative congresses.

Tatyana Leontyeva and «Mukden russian revolution»

The following article seeks to analyze the personality and activities of Tatyana Leontyeva, who represents a typical case essential for understanding the specifics of the phenomenon of female terrorism in Russia in the beginning of XX century. Within the scope of the analysis we shall examine the turning point in the history of the Socialist-Revolutionary Combat Organization, namely, the defeat of its St. Petersburg Committee in March 1905.