
From Humphrey Llwyd to Iolo Morganwg: Main Stages of Development of Antiquarian Tradition of Wales in the XVI – Mid XIX Century

This article is devoted to the analysis of antiquarian tradition of Wales in the XVI – mid-XIX century. The author highlights the basic stages and reasons for the development of Welsh antiquarianism, and also on the example of the works of a number of Welsh antiquaries gives an assessment of their contribution to the study of the past of the western Celtic region of Britain.

Historical Culture of Early English Antiquaries

In the article, based on the material of “A Description of Elizabethan England” by W. Harrison and «Britain» by W. Camden, an attempt to explore ways of reflection of the historical past of the early English Antiquaries, which set the foundation of the «secularization of historiography» and a rational interpretation of historical experience, is made.