
The journals of the Primorsky and Amur communities of agriculture as a source on the history of the agrarian development of the Far Eastern region (early XX century)

The article deals with printed periodicals of large agricultural communities of the Amur region of the early XX century. It is shown to what extent the information published in them reflects the development of the agrarian sector of the region: government activities; development trends of the colonization land fund; the nature and methods of solving agricultural problems specific to the region. The conditions in which the Amur agricultural societies and the history of their printed periodicals operated are shown.

The main trends of socio-economic development of the newly formed uyezds in the Khoper River Region (Prikhoperye) in the late XVIII and the first third of the XIX centuries

The article examines the dynamics of the population and economic development of the region in the late XVIII and the first third of the XIX century. The author identifies the main trends that determined the direction of social and economic processes that took place during that period and determined the further development of the region.

Peculiarities of Organizing Agricultural Labor and Production in Saratov Region (1965–1975)

The process of organizing agricultural labor and production in Saratov region on the basis of technical modernization and training of industrial personnel is considered in the article. The analysis is based on regulatory documents, archives, statistics and periodicals. 

Economic development of german Сolonies on the Volga river in the second half of the 18th – the first half of the 19th centuries

This article deals with the first stages of formation of German colonies on the Volga river in the second half of the 18th – the first half of the 19th centuries. The colonization policy of the government consisted of the whole system of well-thought means and decrees that tended to spread on all sides of internal life of colonists. After the first hard years of emerging German colonies and up to the middle of the 19th century thanks to undivided supervision of economic development of the region it became possible to solve the problem of colonization of the region.

Reforming of the country's agricultural sector at the end of XX century

The article analyzes the process of reforming of the country's agriculture at the end of XX century on the basis of regulatory documents, statistics and periodicals. We study the order of the reorganization of collective and state farms, creation of conditions for the formation of peasant (farmer), joint stock companies, co-operative farms.. The conclusion is that the agrarian policy of the state is not drawn on the experience of doing the farm. The reforms were not prepared and carried out in a short time by incompetent people.