Jakovleva Zhanna V. RussiaSaratovSaratov Regional Institute of Education Development, 32 Solyanaya St., Saratov 410031, RussiaAssociate Professor at the Department of Humanities EducationPh.D. in Historyjgv1972@yandex.ruhttps://soiro64.ru/kafedra-gumanitarnogo-obrazovanija/ Author's articles Religious life in the Saratov Volga region in the 1930s. Fighting church on the site in 1930: On the behavior of the Party and Soviet functionaries of the grass-roots level managers and ordinary believers АНТИРЕЛИГИОЗНАЯ КАМПАНИЯ В ОТНОШЕНИИ МУСУЛЬМАН САРАТОВСКОГО ПОВОЛЖЬЯ В 1930-Е ГГ. Anti-religious Campaign in the Saratov Volga Region: on the Example of the Fight Against Orthodoxy (the End of the 1920s – the Beginning of the 1940s) Confessional diversity of the Saratov Volga region of the 1930s