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Balkylych E. O. What does Canada Need Sanctions for? Cruicial Factors of Canadian Foreign Policy Towards Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 204-207. DOI:
What does Canada Need Sanctions for? Cruicial Factors of Canadian Foreign Policy Towards Russia
The relationship between Canada and Russia has had a long history. Canada and Russia have a lot of things in common such as the size of territory, the federal system of government, joint interest in the Arctic region. But in spite of cooperation prospects the relationship between two countries has been frozen due to the sanctions imposed on Russia by Canada. On the whole the topic concerning sanctions imposed on Russia is widely discussed and raises many disputes about the real nature of the sanctions and the aims the countries pursue. In the following article the author describes the modern foreign policy of Canada against the background of the imposed sanctions and defines the cruicial factors of Canadian foreign policy towards Russian since 2014.
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