Cite this article as:

Moiseychenko . A. The personnel policy in the Lower Volga region during the early postwar period (1946–1950). Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 4, pp. 98-?. DOI:

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The personnel policy in the Lower Volga region during the early postwar period (1946–1950)


The article presents the analysis of changes in the personnel policy caused by the transition to peacetime that allowed the local party and Soviet organizations to get stronger with the input of experienced employees, to raise the management level, to secure conformity and accordance within the party and society.


ЦДНИВО (Центр документации новейшей истории Волгоградской области). Ф. 113. Оп. 23. Д. 126. Л. 1–4, 6–12, 14–26, 29, 30, 51, 53, 54, 57.

ГАНИСО (Государственный архив новейшей истории Саратовской области). Ф. 594. Оп. 2. Д. 10. Л. 5,6; Д. 462. Л. 80, 82.

ГАСДАО (Государственный архив современной документации Астраханской области). Ф. 325. Оп. 5. Д. 1. Л. 72.

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