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Garmanov I. A. The furniture decoration of the Winter Palace’s Yellow Drawing Room. A. de Montferrand, 1827–28. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 17-22. DOI:
The furniture decoration of the Winter Palace’s Yellow Drawing Room. A. de Montferrand, 1827–28
In the furniture collection of the State Hermitage there is a suite of furniture designed by Auguste de Montferrand in 1827-1828. As the famous architect’s contribution to decorative arts has not been studied thoroughly yet, the attribution of the furniture created for the one of the Winter Palace ceremonial apartments, the Yellow Drawing Room of Empress Maria Fiodorovna, is a subject of a particular interest. The article traces the history of the suite since its creation, analyzes the materials and techniques used as well as the stylistic characteristics of different items of the suite.
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