Cite this article as:

Blosfeld E. G. The English Historians of the 1990s on English labour movement in 1918–1920. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 77-?. DOI:

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The English Historians of the 1990s on English labour movement in 1918–1920


This article analyzes the works of the English historians of the end of the XX century concerning the English working class movement of 1918 – 1920. The author marks some differences of tendencies in Russian and British historiography and of the working class movement’s problems.

  • Lloyd George and the Challenge of Labour. The Post-War Coalition. 1918–1922, N.Y., 1990
  • Labour and Society in Britain. 1918–1979. N.Y., 1993
  • The British Labour Party and the German Social Democrats. 1900–1931. A Comparative Study. Oxford, 1994.

Challenges of Labour / еd. By Ch. Wrigley. L., 1993. P. 292.

  • Popular Bases of the International Labour Movement in the United States and Britain 1993–1944 // International Review of Social History. 1993. Vol. 38. P. 3.

White St. British Labour in Soviet Russia. 1920 // The English Historical Review. Vol. CIX. № 432. June 1994. P. 621–640.

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