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Troitsky N. A. STEPAN BALMASHEV’S CASE . Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 16-21. DOI:
In the article one of the loudest judicial and political processes in Russia in the early XX century is discussed, wherethe Social Revolutionary S. V. Balmashev was sentenced to death penalty (he was son of the famous saratovnarodnik V. A. Balmashev) for the murder of the Minister of Interior D. S. Sipyagina - terrorist attack, which initiated the so-called "Central terror" of the Social Revolutionaries. The victims were such pillars of the tsarist regime, as another Minister of Interior V. K. Pleve, Moscow governor-general grand prince Sergei Alexandrovich, the Black Sea Fleet Commander Admiral G. P. Chuhnin etc.
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