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German A. A. Population of the Volga German Republic: Life and labour in June – September 1941 (for the 80th anniversary of the events). Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 122-128. DOI:
Population of the Volga German Republic: Life and labour in June – September 1941 (for the 80th anniversary of the events)
The author of the article examines the changes that occurred in the life and work of the population of the Volga German Republic under the state of emergency caused by the outbreak of the war. The article examines the transformation of the state’s policy towards the Volga German: from emphasized loyalty to deaf hostility and their eviction from the region. Special attention is paid to the reaction of the Volga German population to the beginning of the war, the participation of the population in activities caused by the war: military mobilization, reception and placement of evacuated enterprises and refugees, the creation of fighter detachments and militia. The most important event that required great efforts of citizens was the harvesting of a rich harvest. The article reveals the participation of the Volga German in a counter-propaganda campaign aimed at the armed forces and the population of Germany. Due to major failures at the front as a reinsurance company in September 1941 the German population of the Volga region was evicted to Siberia and Kazakhstan.
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