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Gladyshev A. V. «Courrier de smyrne»: from the History of the Anti-Russian Propaganda in turkey at the End of the 1820s . Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 53-61. DOI:

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070(560),18,+929 Блакю

«Courrier de smyrne»: from the History of the Anti-Russian Propaganda in turkey at the End of the 1820s


The article is devoted to one of the episodes in the history of the development of Turkey periodicals – history of the first steps of the francophone newspaper «Le Courrier de Smyrne». It was published since 1828, by the French citizen who lived in Smyrna, Alexander Blacque. The article describes one of the brightest episodes of the information war on the Turkish side at the final stage of the war of Greek independence.


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