Cite this article as:
Varfolomeev Y. V. Alexander Ugrimov – Russian Hero of the French Resistance: «I Walked on a Tightrope over an Abyss…». Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 304-309. DOI:
Alexander Ugrimov – Russian Hero of the French Resistance: «I Walked on a Tightrope over an Abyss…»
The article examines the activities of French Resistance units in the occupied territory of France during the world war II. The author explores the little-known pages of the durdan Resistance group’s activities through the prism of perception of the events of those years and by the example of the fate of one of the active participants and leaders of the anti – fascist movement-a Russian emigrant of the first wave, Alexander Alexandrovich Ugrimov.
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