General Information
Journal «Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations» is a scientific periodical.
ISSN 2542-1913 (online)
ISSN1819-4907 (print)
E-version in open access
The content is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0)
Journal history
The journal «Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations» (ISSN 1819-4907) became a separate periodical in 2005. It has been preceded by the journals: Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series (ISSN 1814-733X) (2001–2004), Scientific Notes of Saratov State University (1923-1962), Izvestiya of Emperor Nikolay University (1910–1918).
The journal publication frequency is 4 issues a year.
The founder and the publisher of the journal is Saratov State University
The journal is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).
Registration PI № FS77-76642 of 26 August, 2019.
The journal subscription index is 36018. The subscription is available in online catalogues "Russian Press” (, "Press by Subscription" ( and Ural-Press Group of Companies ( The price is not fixed.
Since 2010 the Journal is in the List of reviewed scientific publications in which the essential scientific results of Master’s or Doctor’s dissertations are to be published (№ 1114 in the List of reviewed scientific publications).
The journal’s sections correspond to the Catalogue of scientific areas of academic degrees:
5.6. – History:
5.6.1. – National History
5.6.2. – World History
5.6.5. – Historiography, source study and Historical research methods
5.6.7. – History of international relations and foreign policy
The journal is registered in the following databases and search systems:
- CyberLeninka
- ULRICH’S Periodical Directory
When citing materials from the journal Izvestia of "Saratov University. History. International Relations" a reference to the source is required. The Publishing House of Saratov University has established the following standard for indicating the the journal title:
- Russian: Изв. Сарат. ун-та. Нов. сер. Сер. История. Международные отношения
- English: Izv. of Sarat. Univ. History. International Relations (in Russian)
- Transliteration: Izv. Saratov. un-ta. Istoriya. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya
Journal Themes:
History of Russia in the 16th - early 21st centuries, social and political thought in the Russian Empire, in the countries of the West and East, the military history of Russia / the USSR and Western countries, history of the Ancient world, history of Middle Ages, Modern and Contemporary history, the history of international relations and foreign policy, history of post-Soviet countries, Historiography and Source study of National and World history, Regional history, Local history.
The journal is aimed at researchers and lecturers - specialists in history and history of international relations and foreign policy, doctors and candidates of sciences, graduate students and applicants.
Aims and Scope
The central aim of the journal is to highlight the results of modern scientific research in the area of History, promoting the development of scientific research and educational activity.
The journal’s objectives are:
- publishing original scientific papers with recent results in all the major areas of historical science, including problems of World history (Ancient history, history of Middle Ages, Modern and Contemporary history), National history, Regional history and Local history, Historiography, Source studies and Historical research methods, International relations and foreign policy, as well as its interdisciplinary areas;
- publishing scientific reviews within the journal themes;
- publishing up-to-date information about the field-specific conferences and other scientific events held at Saratov State University and information on field-specific external conferences;
- publishing articles of leading scientists in the areas of history.
Scientific reviews, articles about leading scientists and reports on scientific events are accepted only if approved by the Editorial Board of the Journal.
Languages of publication – Russian and English.
The articles shall comply with the format and style of the journal Guidelines for Authors.
All articles received by the Editorial Board, checked for plagiarism and provided that they pertain to the subject matter of the Journal, are peer-reviewed (see Manuscript Review Procedure), and the Editorial Board decides whether or not to publish them in the Journal.
The publication of manuscripts is free of charge.
Digital archiving policy.
In order to ensure the preservation, usability and accessibility of the journal content (journal and article metadata, the full texts of the articles) for long term availability the following systems are used:
- The journal content on our server is online and accessible to the readers. (
- The copy of the same content is kept at the electronic library systems and Cyberleninka, where an advanced search can be carried out by journal articles (by keywords, author, title, section).
The full text of the journal can be found in the EBSCOhost™ databases.
Self-archiving. Authors are allowed to archive preprints and postprints of their works. After publication, the authors may place their works on the Internet (for example, in the repository of a working organization or a personal website).