
Revolutionary Activity of Ernst Reuters in the Saratov Volga Region (1918)

The author analyzes a short Saratov period of the course of life of a well-known German social democrat Ernst Reuter. According to the directive of the RSFSR Council of Peoples Commissars Chairman V. I. Lenin and Peoples Commissar on Nationalities J. V Stalin a German war prisoner and communist Ernst Reuter was sent to Saratov Volga Region in April 1918 where he became the leader of the Volga Region Commissariat on the Germans. He was in charge of establishing the Soviet power in German colonies and participated in the creation of the Autonomous Region of the Volga Germans.

Золотоордынский Укек и Увекское городище

Статья посвящена золотоордынскому городу Укеку и археологическим объектам Увекского городища. Укек, основанный монголами, был одноименным административно-политическим, экономическим, торговым и культурным улусным центром. Городище находится на берегу Волги в поселке Увек г. Саратова

Rifle Сorps in Saratov

The article is devoted to the rifle corps of the Red Army, whose headquarters were established in Saratov.

Археология в Саратовском университете и Нижне-Волжском институте краеведения на переломе эпох (1920–1930-е годы)

По решению Временного правительства в Саратовском университете образуется историко-филологический факультет. Открывается отделение истории искусств и археологии. Функционировало Общество истории, археологии и этнографии, преобразованное в Нижневолжское общество краеведения. Был создан Археологический научно-исследовательский институт, реорганизованный в Нижне-Волжский институт краеведения. Он сыграл важную роль в археологическом изучении Юго-Востока нашей страны. Постоянно существовала кафедра, где преподавалась археология.

The heritage of Ukek – in the focus of attention of the Saratov tatar community

This article presents the scientific and organizational activity of the Regional Tatar National and Cultural Autonomy of the Saratov Region in saving the rich historical and cultural heritage of one of the most important cities of the Golden Horde, and in the involvement of this heritage in the humanitarian resource of the future of Saratov and the region

Voivode Andrey Fyodorovich Naumov: Unknown Pages of the Biography

The article introduces a novel detailed biography of Saratov voivode, Andrei Fyodorovich Naumov, a little-known figure of the Time of Troubles, who took part in combats at Smolensk and defended Moscow from the Poles. The author traces the further fate of this man, who replaced Saratov voivode Stepan Chemesov in 1632. 

«New Saratov Chronicle» about the events of 1616–1641 years in the Saratov

The article describes the unknown pages of history of Saratov all over a quarter century, since the restoration of the city at the end of the Time of Troubles on the left bank of the Volga. First a detailed chronology of all of the currently known events that took place in this city for years 1616-1641 is presented, and characteristic of "Saratov Chronicle" made up 120 years ago, and indicate the main sources on the history of this period of Saratov

Saratov voivode the prince Ivan the Big Fedorovich Shahovskoy (1637-1639)

The article describes the unknown pages of the left bank of Saratov connected with voivode’s the Big Ivan Fedorovich Shahovskoy staying in the city, and Holstein embassy, whose secretary was Adam Oleary. These ambassadors returned from Persia to Moscow in 1638 through Astrakhan and Saratov.

First is a detailed biography of prince Ivan Shahovskoy who was voivode in many cities in Russia (Tsarevosanchursk, Ryl'sk, Tomsk, Saratov and Nizhny Novgorod).

Voivods of Saratov brothers Ivan and Mihail Volinskye (1594-1600)

The article describes the unknown pages of the early history of Saratov. The biographies of some of the voivods and  sources of Saratov this time are discussed in details. First the names of people who visited Saratov soon after it was built are given.

The towns of Low Volga Region during the Interregnum (1610–1613)

This article is devoted to the history of the towns of Lower and Middle Volga in the Time of Troubles during the Interregnum. The author investigates consequences from suppression of riots in the cities of the Volga region during the reign of Basil Shuisky, participation military men from Ponizova Volga in the organization of the First and Second militias
